A few days ago, Heather wrote to me asking an important and relevant question:
I was wondering if you have done a post in the past about how you do your quiet time? I am a new Christian- just over a year since my spiritual birthday and I am at a loss for how to go about having a quiet time. I get up early (before my little ones) and use this time to read my Bible and sometimes journal but I seem to have a hard time focussing. Any tips? I would love to see what a day in your quiet time looks like! Thanks so much!
Ah yes, the quiet time. Actually I have had a few people ask me if I had ever written a post on my "perfect" quiet time, and the honest fact is, I don't have a perfect quiet time. I find, personally, that remaining true to a strict, unbending schedule for devotions prevents - and at worst, snuffs - the true joy of seeking God. Every day for me is a little different. Sometimes I read the Bible first, other times I read a devotional to begin. I try to change it up for my own enjoyment and remain flexible to what I think my soul needs today.
Bible reading varies a lot with me. Like this morning, I was really grieving for some dear friends of mine, so I naturally turned to Psalms for comfort. (I find the Psalms to be most helpful when I am having complex feelings or emotional instability.) So that is all I read today; two verses in Psalms and then engaged in a lot of praying. But other days I will read through an entire book in the New Testament for deeper study. So you can see, I don't follow a rigorous quiet time formula.
I think many people are discouraged by their "roaming thoughts" while attempting to have their quiet time. I know this happens with me a lot as well. You sit down to pray and find yourself ten minutes later making a shopping list. Very discouraging! Most of the battle in having a quiet time is holding your thoughts in place. I have found a couple of helpful ideas for taming the mind's rabbit trails by either journalling my prayers or reading the Scriptures or devotional out loud. Or on occasion I will turn on some relaxing worshipful music and sing or pray with the music in the background. Prayer is a great weapon in this battle as well. Tell God what you're feeling - unfocused, sleepy, jittery - and ask for help. He is able and ready to help you stay focused on what matters. (Heb. 4:15-16)
The thing most people don't realize is that maintaining an effective quiet time takes consistent work. It doesn't just happen or come easy for the "elite Christians". Knowing God, just like knowing any other person, takes thought, effort and heart. But it is a campaign worth every minute you put into it. Paul describes knowing Jesus as a "surpassing value". I have found the same to be true. God offers the ultimate promise to us who diligently seek Christ - we shall find Him. (Matt. 7:7)
No matter how you go about seeking God - it doesn't matter the formula - the real treasure is seeking Christ. For every person it will look a little different, because Christ is intimate with uniquely created people.
I have written a post describing a few ideas on how to change up your devotions: Renovating Your Quiet Time and Bored With The Bible. You might find some of the ideas to be helpful in your lifelong journey of knowing Jesus.
Anyone else have some suggestions or insights into having productive quiet times?