Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blessings from the Word

Here are a few notes that I took in my quiet time this morning from Psalm 19:

"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul."
God's Word is undisputedly perfect in word and purpose. It speaks to every need, rebukes every lie, strengthens every weakness, and most wonderfully revives the human soul with faithful grace for every deficiency. When my soul is weary and needy, I must go to no other place than the Word for the restoration.

"The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple."
Timeless in it's truth, the testimony of the Word is solid in foundation. It can and must be leaned upon. In every generation seeking wisdom, no greater resource can be found for lasting, applicable knowledge than the Scriptures. Our minds begin in the world as empty but eager storehouses waiting to be filled with truth and wisdom.

"The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart."
God's Word is right in all things, and it maintains the absolute standard for deciding what is right and wrong. The Word can be trusted and built upon. This causes the ultimate rejoicing for the heart, knowing that our greatest joy can be found in God's truth and perfect authority.

"The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes."
His holiness is refining, which causes every Word to be pure and righteous. He does not use His commands as weapons for wounds, but His commands are pure, causing the refining of the heart in obedience. It brings light and revelation to our eyes of understanding making us see firsthand the glory of God.

"The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever."
Fearing the Lord brings more blessing than one might first assume. The fear of the Lord is wisdom - for He is much to be feared. All power, control, good, and evil rest in His hands motivated by a gracious heart. Our fear is clean and holy, enabling us to endure.

"The rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether."
God's Word, His rules, and commands are proven to be true and righteous by the authority of God Himself and by hundreds of generations before us. "The word of the Lord proves true..." (Ps. 18:30) Anyone who casts herself (or himself) on the foundation of the Word will not be ashamed of doing so. Every time the Word proves true.

"More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; in keeping them is great reward." Psalms 19:7-11



  1. God's word really does revive the soul! These devotional thoughts were such a blessing to me this morning, Kaysie. Do you always take such detailed notes in your quiet time? Or try to at least? It's something I'm trying to do more faithfully.

  2. Stephanie, thank you for your encouraging comment. Normally my notes aren't this detailed, but I scribble what can help me remember what God showed me. I wish I kept a better journal too! :)

  3. The final verse is the most convicting--do we always want the Word more than gold? Sadly, I can put other things ahead sometimes.

    I am going through the Psalms in my devotional time, but I need to write down which verse speak to me--so I remember!

  4. Ella, amen to that. I hate that I put other things before the Word sometimes. This verse is a great reminder to keep that focus and desire in proper place. :)

  5. Wow, you take good notes! :)

    Love the blog by the way, your heart for God is sooo amazing!

    I wonder if you could help me out? I find it soo hard sometimes to get into the Bible, to actually think anything deeper than the 'story' I'm reading! And if God shows me something (which I feel is rare, and I know that's me and not Him!) I find it hard not to just forget it and carry on with life....hmm...

    I guess what I'm asking is; how do you spend your quiet time? (I really want to start doing this more in the morning...but getting up...eurgh!) Do you just read? Pick a verse or a sentence? Pray 'through' it (I'm not too sure what that means)?

    I know its different for everyone, but your help would be so apprieciated! All i know is, I so wanna grow closer to my saviour!

    Thanks hun,

    L x

  6. Hi Lauren, thanks so much for your comment! I would love to help you in any way I can, and our devotional lives are a great interest to me as well. I admire your passionate heart for the Lord - that is the most beautiful thing about a woman. :)

    I have written some posts about this important subject that I will link below, and if you have any more questions please leave my another comment or email me.

    Renovating Your Quiet Time

    Bored with the Bible?

    Biblical Prayer

    A Mind of Meditation

  7. What a lovely post! And I must say I enjoyed reading your other posts here on your lovely blog. All have such meaning and show your faith in every sentence.

    I just thought I would stop by and leave a word of encouragement. :)

    Have a Great Day!

  8. Maggie, thank you so much! Your comment was a special encouragement to me this morning. I hope you can come by again. May God bless you!

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