Monday, September 22, 2008

Tea and Books: September

Well the month has almost passed me by and books are being finished. Early in the month I didn't make a lot of time to read, but I have refocused and hope to finish at least a few books before this month is gone. Despite my tardy reading habits, my "book wish list" is steadily growing. I don't ever see it slowing down. And I am totally fine with that. Below are a couple of the great reads I am enjoying.

Please feel free to share what literary and infused findings you have with me too. My favorite discussions are oftentimes encompassed around books and tea.


A Place of Quiet Rest - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
If you are searching for a resourceful book devoted entirely to your "devotion time", I highly recommend this book. I honestly didn't know a book like this existed, but here is a gem. Reading only the first few pages excited my heart with the need for this book in my life. Devotions are a subject kindred to my heart. Written in a creatively practical and gently instructing tone, I have found answers to the silent questions I have in my heart about my devotion time. Highly recommend this one.

Lies Young Women Believe - Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh
I am actually reading this one out loud to my sisters before bedtime. It has been an awakening for us all as we begin to recognize the subtle lies we believe that effect us deeper than we know. The lies we believe about God and ourselves (plus many more areas) can cripple any growth the Lord desires for us. I would enthusiastically recommend this book for ladies of all ages. It is a powerful tool for the kingdom.


Tangerine Orange Zinger is becoming one of my favorite herbal teas. Mom and I like to rotate between this the Raspberry Zinger tea.  As the weather begins to cool down I know my tea mug is going to be refilled more often throughout the day. (maybe that's why I like cooler weather?) I sure hope the price of tea doesn't go up or I will have to ration out my amber delight. :)


  1. I was looking into some books by Joni Eareckson Tada just today! Are there any other books by her you could recommend?

    I finished "Through the Gates of Splendor" by Elisabeth Elliot. I was moved these missionaries' selflessness, their passion, and how they died to self to serve God wholeheartedly. Amazing story! Have you ever read it?
    I've also been reading a couple of fiction books. "Mary Poppins" by P.L. Travers. It's a childrens' book I know, but I like it. :-) Also a collection of fables and fairy tales - very interesting indeed! One doesn't know what to expect with stories like these. It may be a perfect scenario when suddenly you come to the last sentence with an unpredictable (and sometimes gruesome) ending. Go figure!

    Concerning teas...I've been drinking a lot of fruity herbal teas, among them Raspberry Zinger, Red Zinger and Black Berry Cherry. These make delicious iced teas actually, and it's really yummy when adding a bit of lemon juice.
    Sorry this comment is so long! I sort of rambled on there. :-) Have a nice day!

  2. Speaking of warm, comforting drinks... I love hot apple cider in the autumn. I just pop it in the microwave and add some cinnamon; sometimes, I indulge in whipped cream on top. It's so good and nostalgic! :-D

  3. Thank you for these recommendations, the teas sound lovely and perfect for these chilly mornings! I am new to your blog and find it simply delightful!

  4. Both books look good, but especially the first. I'm adding it to my list! (I noticed that it's by Nancy Leigh DeMoss as well, with just the forward by Joni?)

    And you have just inspired me to go and make a cup of pekoe will have to do though. :)

  5. Kasie, I don't mind you long comment at all! :)
    I have heard of "Through Gates of Splendor" but have yet to read it. Elisabeth Elliot is one of my very favorite authors. I will have to make time to read it.
    About tea, I haven't tried the Black Berry Cherry... sound delicious though. I might have to invest in a box next grocery visit.

    Anna, oh, I LOVE apple cider. On the mountain I live on we have an orchard that makes it homemade and it is the BEST! :)

    Vii, I hope you can try some of these recommendations. Let me know what you think!

    Stephanie, you are so right! I went back and changed the author name. Thanks for pointing that out. I do love Orange Pekoe tea too. Very yummy...

  6. I love apple cider too! Back home we lived five minutes away from a family owned apple orchard (the people there practically knew us by face and name!). We used to go there every year to pick apples and buy apple cider. Hot apple cider is absolutely delicious! Cinnamon is a must; I actually like to use a cinnamon stick as a straw and flavoring. :-)

  7. Those books sound amazing. I'll have to check them out as soon as I free up some time (and finish a couple of books that I've already started). I bought Daily Light a month or so ago, per your recommendation, and it has completely transformed my prayer life! Thank you so much for that.

  8. Let's see...a good one I read this month was called Quest for the High Places, by Natalie Nyquist. It is such an encouraging book to read when you are waiting for anything--marriage, life to settle down.

    And as for tea, I just had something called South Arfican Honeybush. It is really good!

  9. right now i'm re-reading some things, and i've been drinking a decaffinated vanilla something coffee!

  10. I've been reading Hind's Feet On High Places and A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. They're both very good books, and I've been enjoying them a lot.

  11. Hey Kaysie, I (along with my Mom) LOVE to drink hot-chocolate!!! I like apple cider too, but I don't get to drink it very often. I finished Do Hard Things recently, and I really really really loved it! It's one of my favorite books, and that's a big complement coming from someone who has only read fiction, so far!!! ;) Well I know this comment was a little random, but I just thought I would say thanks for recommending (and giving) Do Hard Thing to me. Once again, I loved it!

    P.S. Sorry that I haven't been commenting lately, I really am enjoying Alabastor Box and I always look forward to your new posts. :)
    your friend, Camille

  12. Camille, thanks. I am really glad you liked Do Hard Things. It is an amazing book, isn't it? :)

  13. Oh, Kaysie!
    It has been way too long since I have visited your site!
    I miss reading fun text books aren't "fun"!
    I hope you get to read them all!

  14. I had forgotten to mention "Do Hard Things." That was one, awesome book! My mom also read it (every time I put it down, actually!); you don't have to be a teenager to get something out of it!

  15. hey Kasie,
    my Mom read Do Hard Things after I did, too! Just going to prove (once again) how great it is.
