Saturday, October 25, 2008

Raindrops of Grace

A few mornings ago I awoke to the familiar sounds of raindrops spattering on the window above my bed. I love waking up to rain's music. It's very reflective. I stared up into the foggy window decorated by beads of water falling in a rhythmic pattern, thinking to myself how gentle the rain is. Now I know storms can be extremely ferocious and devastating at times, but normally rain is considerate to the tender needs below.

Which brought me to my next reflection, why does it rain? Because there is a need. The land gets dry. Rivers and lakes go down. Animals and humans suffer thirst. Trees and fields faint from dehydration. The world needs rain.

This same need transfers to our spiritual thirst as well. Souls can become just as dry as a desert. Hearts grow faint without nourishment. What can quench the thirst of the heart? What can satisfy the soul? It is something that falls from a Father's arms: grace.

Like a spring rain, grace is showered upon God's children in gentle amounts that nourish and sustain our livelihood. He gives grace for every need. 
"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:16)

If your heart is parched, and if your soul is weary, draw near to the Father for a downpour of grace to sustain your every need.


  1. Dear Kaysie this article really watered my soul. I too love the rain, and think it is one of the most beautiful things God has created. I too am in the habit of writing about God's grace and goodness, you should come check out my blog,, I will definitely stop by yours again.
    Peace and Love Deneen

  2. You have such a way with words, my dear! Thank you for walking before the Lord in a wise way and being open to His teaching in your life - your testimony blesses me!

  3. What a beautiful word picture!

    Many times throughout the day with all its normal busyness, I find myself thirsty; I was too lazy to take a moment to drink a class of cool water! It makes me wonder: how often then am I taking the time to drink from the Living Water?

    Great post Kaysie. Enjoy your rain! :-)

  4. Deneen, thank you for your encouraging comment. Praise the Lord.
    So you are a fellow rain lover? Great! I find rainy days also inspire my writing too. :) Looking forward to seeing you here again.

    Sara, thank you. :) You are a blessing to me as well!

    Kasie, you bring up a great point. We must *draw near* to receive this grace for our need. I am the same way about abusing my thirst b not getting up for water. :) A good lesson to be applied to our spiritual lives as well. Thanks!

  5. Hi Kaysie,

    This is a very beautiful reminder for us to draw near to God. :) He is good. This I know. :)

    I love the rain as well...especially when there's a cup of tea handy and perhaps a good book... :) Of course the latter two additions go with anything. :)

    I am always blessed by your blog. Sometimes I don't have the words to say or my heart is too full to express what I'm feeling when I read your posts, but I read everything and it's always uplifting. Thank you.

  6. Julia, amen to rainy day tea parties! :)
    Aww, you are too sweet. Your words are always a blessing to me. Thank you for taking the time to even read my posts and share your thoughts. So thank you!

  7. Hi Kaysie,

    I have to agree with Sara Nicole - you really do have a way with words! And your posts are very encouraging and uplifting!

    I know I haven't commented in a while (due to the busyness of the school year), but I read everyone of your posts!! I am going to add you to my blogroll. :)

    In Christ,

  8. Kira, thank you. :) And thank you for adding me to your blogroll. That means a lot. Comment whenever you can. I always enjoy them!

  9. Kaysie, grace truly does refresh us in mighty ways!! Like I have shared with you, that is something the Lord has been teaching me much about!

  10. Ella, amen! His grace is amazing. :)
