Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Winds of new seasons

I am sitting beside my open window feeling a nippy breeze push through, bringing with it a fresh awareness of approaching seasons. Autumn is coming. New seasons are here. Just when I was resigning myself to unchanging times, God again comes through bringing the winds of desired seasons.

I have spoken before about rushing the seasons and God's teachings on patience and thankfulness in my life. And it is encouraging when seasons do change, like the transition we are in right now.

My life is in a similar place. Today brought a sweet conformation that the winds of new seasons are in the air, and I am simply enjoying the transformation. Through this somewhat tardy process I have been reminded that God is faithful. Really. He doesn't give up on me - not even when I give up on myself. His plan will not be thwarted and His goodness is persistent. The seeds He has sown, if nurtured in obedience, produce a harvest rich in faith. And I am thankful.

As I read a precious chapter in Psalms this evening, God again washed over my soul with the trust and gladness of His presence.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalms 16:9-11


  1. I love Fall!
    Do we get to hear more about this new transition in your life? :)

  2. Stephanie, I love fall too. Isn't it a wonderful season?! :)

    After I read your comment I thought, "I probably need to explain a little farther about what is going on in my life..." :)

    It is nothing regarding a future husband - sorry if I got everyone's hopes up! It is regarding my family and ministry. God has amazingly opened some doors that have remained closed for years. I am beaming with excitement as to what God is doing in His kingdom, and humbled that He is making us a part of that work.

    Did that explain it better? ;)

  3. Fall is a great time to start anything. Although I am still debating whether or not it runs a close second to the Christmas season... :) I am happy that the transition in your life is something you are looking forward to. Isnt it funny how God's timing really is the best after all?

  4. Courtney, yes... God always amazes me. :) His timing is best.

  5. Kaysie, I was thinking it was one of the two things that you mentioned! :) That is so exciting to hear that ministry opportunities are opening up to you and your family! I'll be praying!

  6. Thank you, Stephanie! That means so much.

  7. I too was wondering if it had anything to do with a "somebody". :) But I guess not. :) I'll be praying for you as you enter this new phase of life...(whatever that may be :)

    Blessings to you!


  8. Thanks, Noelle. Sorry if I was a bit misleading... this new season has to with a lot of new things that I will hopefully blog about more in detail soon. I was just inspired yesterday to write a little about what God is doing. More to come soon! :)

  9. Thank you!

    Thank you for posting Psalm 16:9-11! What a treasure of a passage! All of His Word is treasure, but thank you for posting this bright gem. :)

    What a wonderful blessing and such a comfort and strength that He WILL NOT abandon us, and that in His presence there is FULLNESS of joy.


  10. Meredith, you are welcome. :) I know, I love those verses. Somehow I always find myself going to those verses in time of need. They are such a good reminder.

    Thank you for commenting!
