Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sunshine Above the Weather

Are dark clouds rolling in around your life? Is the sunny disposition you posses slowly turning cold and stormy? Are the shadows growing larger, overtaking your life with deep darkness? Is the rain of pain drowning your joy?

May I encouraged your heart today? Though the forecast predicts reckless storms and sudden darkness, the Lord is a light for us. "If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you." (Psalms 139:11-12) The great Sunshine of the sky never stops shining. His help is ever present.

Last weekend when I was traveling back home from the Desiring God conference, on the day of our departure a storm swept over the city and it began to mist rain. Looking at the sky one could only see the thick dark canopy over our heads. As we boarded the airplane and ascended into the sky, the aircraft pierced through the turbulent rain clouds and darkness. Suddenly, as if entering a new world, we burst through the ugly weather and sunshine flooded into our windows. The light was bright and beautiful.

Life can at times become a city under a dark storm cloud. The weather turns for the worst, and joy is rained out. We think God has forgotten us, that He has hidden His face. In truth His light is ever shining above the weather of life, holding us closer in the darkness, and when His timing is ready, He will break through with His light of grace and understanding. There is always sunshine above the weather. Let us trust Him through the storm.

"The darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining..." (1 John 2:8)


  1. Once again~what an encouraging post. Our pastor has been doing a series recently on not just giving thanks to God IN all things, but also giving thanks FOR all things~including the storms that we go through. God is soverign and we are to continue to glorifying him even in uncertain times.

  2. Amen, Shannon! :) That is a great reminder for me too.

  3. Kaysie, there is a song that talks about praising in the storms! I am learning that there is much good to be found in them.....and just as the Lord promised that the earth would never be consumed by a flood, our lives won't be all consumed by rain either.

  4. Kaysie,

    I'm Vanessa, and I just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged! Go ahead and check my blog and you'll know what to do! Be blessed...

    A sister in Christ, Vanessa

    Your blog is very encouraging!

  5. Hi Vanessa! Glad to know my blog is encouraging for you... hope you visit again!
    I checked out your blog. It is very lovely. :) I actually just did that tag! Click here for my answers...
