Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jesus...Come Again

24983943Christmas is here...a precious time of remembrance and celebration. We remember that over 2,000 years ago, a Savior was born for us in a humble stable, although He was a King. We celebrate because Jesus, this King, is changing our hearts and our world forever.

This is the season for Advent. Advent literally means "coming". Yes, Jesus did come - and I am so thankful that He did. And there is more to Advent than focusing on Christ's "coming" through His birth... yes, so much more. The promise of Advent for us is that Jesus is coming again...

The King will come again

Especially in these times we should be daily meditating on the fact that Jesus is going to come again, and soon. And the Christmas season should be a great comfort and encouragement to our hearts because we can be sure that Jesus came once - He will come again. This is comfort! Even during the heavy trials we may endure, the painful relationships we encounter, the persistent physical pain that just won't leave - we can have comfort. Jesus is coming again, to take us home to be with Him forever. He'll wipe away ever tear, He'll calm every fear.

How this knowledge should effect our daily walk. If we can be faithful and diligent in fixing our eyes on sweet Jesus, and setting our hearts on "the things above", how our lives would transformed from a pit of despair and failure, to abundant and purposeful life. We must cling to Christ. We must remember His coming.

The Greatest Gift

In the midst of all the presents we receive and the gifts we give, let us remember the greatest gift we've ever been given: eternal life! Yes, we've been given Jesus the Lover of our souls, but remember the blessed gift He has given us - eternal life. It's our free gift with salvation, our comfort in life, and our joy in death. Our lives are eternal if we believe in Jesus. We will one day live forever with Him. (oh, the precious thought!)

This gift we've been given is available for everyone. Do we think of sharing this gift with loved ones this season? With friends and neighbors, co-workers and parents? How I stand convicted. The gospel is the perfect gift for everyone: man, woman, boy or girl. We must only be faithful in following the Holy Spirit's leading to share it.

Come, Lord Jesus

As you read the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke this season, I recommend also reading Revelation chapters 21 and 22. These chapters wrap up the written Word of God and wrap my heart in Christ's love and the excitement of His coming. They add a "bigger" realm to His birth, more passion to this life, and a greater knowledge to why He came and the results of His return.

"Behold, I am coming quickly..." (Rev. 22:12) "The Spirit and the bride (that's us!) say, "Come"... "Come, Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22:17, 20) May your heart rejoice in His coming; first, in His birth, second, in His great return to take us home!

Come again, sweet Jesus.


  1. Thanks and God Bless - Merry Christmas!

  2. ... the greatest gift that keeps on giving ...

    thank you for bringing it to our remembrance again!

  3. Hey Sweet Sister,
    What you said is so true and amazing all at the same time! Christ IS coming again and that's so exciting! Sometimes in this
    crazy world I lose focus of my "bride like" anticipation for my Groom. I can't wait for Him to come back!
    Love you so much!

  4. I have come to look so forward to your posts - you are wise beyond your years! Thank you for pointing out these things that we seem to forget until this time of year. God Bless and Merry Christmas!
    Melissa H.
    P.S. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!

  5. Hey there, it's me again....could you check the URL that you have my link listed under? When I clicked on it in your blogroll it took me to the wrong site. Thanks a bunch!
    Melissa H.

  6. Wonderful, Kaysie. Yes, Christ is coming again! Have a Merry Christmas!!

  7. Hey Kaysie (and Courtney!),
    Sorry to be the absent friend. Everything was so hectic before we left for vacation in Orlando and we just returned yesterday. So, Courtney, I am emailing you back really soon and Kaysie- I love this new blog. It feels more professional and not as much like a blog. Your writing is great, as usual. You always make me think twice. ;) Luv, Morgan

  8. I clicked here off of Heather P.'s blog...this looks like a great one! I love the focus of it. May He bless you as you write for Him!


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  10. Awesome thoughts. I found myself longing for Christ's return more than ever this Christmas season. Oh that glorious morning... :) Great blog!
