Saturday, October 18, 2008

6 things I have learned this year...

Surprise, surprise! Julia has tagged me to write 6 things I have learned this year. It was actually hard for me to nailed down only six... maybe if the number had been near 200 I would have an easier time? Anyway, here are my *only* six things:

1. In the Christian's life, surrender is victory.

2. God is faithful. Really, He is.

3. Darkness is for a moment. Dawn always comes.

4. Don't give up on people. With God, people do and can change.

5. Loneliness is not a sin. God cares how you handle it.

6. That there is always more to learn. About people, about God, about me.

... and this is by no means an exhaustive list! God has taught me so much this year, and attempting to put words to it would fill a blog, book, and mind. But stay tuned - as I process and learn, I always love to share.

Here are the rules for this tag:

State six things you have learned this year.
Tag at least six people.
Leave comments on their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

I tag:

Maria Pauline

What about you? What has God shown you this year?


  1. I will do this soon!! I love #3! That has been so true in my life. I think I will do six important things and six silly things!

  2. That is awesome. Some of those are things I am currently working on in my own life. I also love number 3 about the dawn and the dark. I have actually written a poem about it

  3. #2 is so true - yet how often we forget!
    Now I have to try and work out my list . . . :)

  4. I loved number 5 the best: "Loneliness is not a sin. God cares how you handle it." It's so very true. So many times, I come back around to realizing that God often brings me to the point of loneliness so I can once again rest and rely on Him as my Everything.

  5. Thanks for tagging me, Kaysie! I didn't realize till I saw my name. :)
    I'll start thinking about what to list...

  6. I think #1 truly sums up the essence of what it means to be a Christian. The Lord continues to give me more and more insight into this one, the closer I grow to Him. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is still learning about this one!


    P.S. Where do you get your pictures from for your blog?

  7. Hannah, I usually get my pictures from Jupiter Images ( They have many unique photos, but be careful too. I have come across very inappropriate stuff on there as well. (just a warning...) :)

  8. #5 is the one that really speaks to me. God is teaching me that. It is a real encouragement. Thank you.

  9. I will do this. At first I wasn't sure if I should do another tag (partly because they are usually all pretty similar and for the amount that I have been posting lately...) but I really like this one.
