Saturday, September 20, 2008

Stay with Me...

I am in the process of teaching my dog to walk on a leash. Honestly is has been quite challenging. I don't intend to drag him everywhere we go, but a lot of times that is what happens. But he is slowly catching on. I can foresee peaceful walks in the future.

As you all know, practically everything gets me to thinking about life as a follower of God, and this incident is no different. This morning the Lord again directed me to some verses in Psalms that are becoming a real treasure and guidance in my life right now. Psalms 32:8-9 reads,
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Be not like the horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.

How I need to learn this lesson!
While training my dog, I found myself constantly repeating "stay with me" to him. He naturally tries to run after any moving object except me, so keeping him by my side is the battle I fight. The same is true with my relationship with the Lord. I can be a stubborn mule and dig in my heels wanting my way. But God is faithfully calling to me, "Stay with Me, stay with Me..."

And it is only when I am near Him that I find the peace I search for. Submitting to His authority is when we receive calm assurance, looking up to our Master for His next command or counsel. Unlike my own character, He never gets frustrated or impatient with my progress, but faithfully teaches me to stay near Him for joy in heart and peace of mind. I am in good hands.


Just for everyone who wants to see my real dog, this is him. His name is Braveheart. Isn't he sooo cute?! I know, I know. An update on his training, he is doing really good. I think he is starting to catch on. I only hope I learn just as fast with the things the Lord is teaching me. :)


  1. Kaysie, while the sweet little puppy dog may not understand why you yank the leash, he will grow to enjoy the fellowship he has with you as he learns to stay near. Dogs are great like that!

    Your post reminded me of this from Psalm 73:28 - "It is good for me to draw near to God." Isn't this so true? As much as we fight against it at times by our busyness, when we can quiet our soul long enough to sit at His feet, it IS good for us. A delight.

    God bless you sister and thank you for the things you post here that bring us back to Jesus in the details of life.


  2. and all God's people said, "AMEN!!!"

    that was a wonderful post!

  3. I needed to hear this tonight, Kaysie. I am often that stubborn mule!
    You've encouraged me to go spend some time near the One I need most. : )

  4. Eirene, thanks for the encouragement! I am looking forward to walking peacefully with my dog soon... he is learning fast. (I only hope I learn that fast with what God is teaching me!) ;)
    The verse you shared in Ps. 73 is truly one of my favorites. The nearness of God IS my good! Thank you for stopping by.

    Laura, thanks. :)

    Stephanie, well, from a fellow "stubborn mule", you have often encouraged me to run to my Master. Thanks girl! :)

  5. Aww, I remember that stage! Rex was like that too. It's funny that they have a hard time getting the concept when they're immature. I also remember that whenever we first put the leash on our dog he would bow his head down and look so humiliated - as though it was punishment and we weren't allowing him to be independent, but it was really for his own good.

    Thanks for the great post! Good analogy.


  6. Kaysie~
    I so enjoy reading your posts, your writing is so beautiful! I am so blessed by the encouragement I recieve from reading your blog.
    It IS so important that we stay near to God~I definitely believe that he uses these types of things (training animals, parents instructing their children...I remember when some of Mom and Dad's instruction didn't make sense to me!) to show us that though we don't always understand what He is doing, we are assured that it is part of His perfect plan.
    God bless,

  7. Our dear pastor back home used to give messages comparing his relationship with a new dog (who was in great need of training) to our relationship with Christ. Although it made us chuckle to hear the creative ways in which "Strawberry" managed to disobey her master, oftentimes that's the exact same thing we do to our own Master. I'm forever learning the simple commands of 'stay,' 'come,' and 'sit.' :-)

    By the way, your puppy looks really cute! How long have you had him?

    God bless!

  8. Amanda, my dog is exactly that way. Whenever I put the collar on him he gets a "pouty face". :) This morning our walk was much better though. I think he is starting to get the concept of "walks are fun". You're right - it is for his good.

    Shannon, I am so glad you enjoy my writings! Your comments are such a blessing to me. :) God is amazing in the way He uses moments to train us. I kept seeing myself in my dog while I was dragging him around. God is so creative in the lessons He teaches us. ;)

    Kasie, those sermons sound good! While the lesson is rather funny, the truth behind the behavior is lasting. I am with you in learning those simple commands.
    About my dog, actually the puppy in the photo is not my dog (the picture was too cute and perfectly illustrated my point), but I will add a picture to the bottom of the post for you to see him. I have had him about a year or more, and he is my little buddy. :)

    Thanks everyone for your great comments!

  9. Kaysie,

    I have missed your postings for the past couple of days but wanted to let you know how blessed I was in reading the past two ~ I am often very much like your dog or a mule or ?

    The Lord often reminds me that in the shadow of His everlasting arms is the place of comfort, guidance, love and strength and I pray He continues to *pull* me over to Him when I need it :o)

    Your description of running into the woods and being awed by God's creation was so amazing ~ the Lord has truly given you a gift in using words to convey lessons from every aspect of life and His teaching comes through so wonderfully and practically!

    I am so glad that I found your blog via *Beautiful Grace* :o)


  10. aawwwww.... braveheart is soooo cute! the only other animal named "braveheart" that i know is a huge swedish warmblood horse... so that is a very unique name!

  11. Dallas, that is sweet of you to say. I am glad you found my blog too. I have enjoyed your insights.
    So I see I am not the only "mule" in the world... thanks for your comfort! ;) You are so right, in the shadow of His wings is where we find guidance and peace. I long to stay with Him.

    Laura, thank you. I think he is a cutie myself. :) Braveheart is an unusual dog name, but I think it fits. He is brave in my eyes.

  12. Awww, thanks Brianna. I think so too. :)

  13. Thanks for referring me to this post, Kaysie! It similarily touched my heart. That will echo with me into days in the future -- "Stay with me"... it's so true, that's all He really asks.

    Braveheart is very handsome!
    In HIm
