Monday, October 13, 2008

Tea and Books: October

With all the conferences going on in my life lately (praise God for them all), I have slacked up a lot on my book reading - minus the Scriptures. Plus, God has been redeeming areas in my life involving books... but maybe that's another post. So this month all I have managed to read thus far is a transforming and convicting book titled:

War of Words - Paul David Tripp
This is one of those books that I need to read and reread over again. I am closing in on the halfway mark, and already I have found the truths to be desperately needed in my heart and on my tongue. The subtitle truly explains this books purpose: getting to the heart of your communication struggles. If you are seriously interested (or convicted) in finding and solving the problem of our words (which is our hearts... but I won't give it all away...), then get this book. I have found more truth and practical application of those truths in this book than anywhere else besides the Scriptures. I highly recommend this one. (do I always say that?)

In the area of tea, well, let's see. As the weather settles down into a crisp cool wonderland, my tea mug is happily filled more often. This is also a good time to try new types of tea. Last weekend Mom bought some really delicious peach tea. I normally find peach tea to be, well, too peachy, so I was surprised that I liked it. Maybe autumn is inspiring more creativity to my taste buds. :)

What have ya'll been reading and sipping?


  1. My books have late have been #1 and #2 in the Pemberley Chronicle Series. They are decent sequels using the characters of Pride and Prejudice!

  2. ^_^

    love reading your blog (: to think that we are of the same age and i could identify myself in the way you perceive God and people around you, the way you view life and world - there is so much i can learn from you (:

    your story is really inspiring and i believe, God's speaking to so many other young girls who read your writing and He has gently bestowed His loving touch upon mine tonight (:

    thanks (: keep up the good work and may the Lord use you greatly as you give of yourself more unto Him (: cheers!!

  3. Hey Kaysie!
    I actually just got some new tea yesterday and then I read this post! Funny! I haven't been able to do a whole lot of just because reading since I'm kind of over loaded with school right now. But God is showing me new things in His word and I'm figuring out how to study it better on my own.
    Thanks for another great post!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. Yuwan, thank you for your kind words. :) I am glad the Lord is blessing you through my blog, and I hope you can see Christ through what I write. Hope you visit again. God bless you.

    Caroline, hey girl! So glad you stopped by! Isn't tea sooo good?! Hope you are enjoying yours. Praise the Lord that you are seeing new things in the Word... I hope you can share them with me soon. :)

  5. Right now I'm reading "A Woman and Her God" written by a number of godly ladies (got it from a friend at church). Coming up on my list is "Don't Waste Your Life," and I doubt I need to tell you the author of that one :-), and also "Crazy Love."

    A lot of non fiction for a fiction lover like me! I'll soon be starting on one of Lewis Carol's works, "Sylvie and Bruno Concluded." (I've read the first part already)

    Tea has been the same, although I haven't had much lately. I'm trying to avoid sugar so I can shake off this cold. After my immune system is up and running again, it'll be time for tea - almost there!

  6. Right now, I'm trying to finish reading "Second Touch" by Bodie and Brock Thoene. It's the second book in their A.D. Chronicles series. It's very good! I started it last month, but then I started working at the photography studio, and so I've gotten kind of "behind." Now that I've gotten on a more part-time schedule for work, I'm able to read more! I'm hoping to finish it this month.

    I want to check out a few books from the library soon to start reading. The first one on the list is "Mistaken Identity" by Don and Susie Van Ryn.

    As for tea...I'm not a big tea drinker at all! :)

  7. Kasie, I hope you are feeling better soon! I actually just got over a two week cold myself. My heart goes out to you, girl. Hope you can enjoy your tea again soon. :)
    I am so excited that you will be reading Don't Waste Your Life and Crazy Love! Both were amazing, life changing books that I would definitely read again. Enjoy!

    Allison, boy do I know about the work schedule stealing my reading time! ;) Hope you can get a good read in soon. And maybe you should try a cup tea with that experience? ;)

  8. MMmm! A Tea and books discussion! How delightful! :)

    I've been reading Emma, by Jane Austen, over again. But I just finished reading Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham and I HIGHLY reccomend it! :D

    Oh, peach tea all the way! My mom has this Rooibos loose peach tea that is absolutely wonderful! It's very sweet-tasting. I especially enjoy sipping it and munching almond cookies. :) I actually haven't tried many other flavors...I've just recently gotten into really liking flavored tea.

    I love your blog, Kaysie! I wish I had more time to comment here! :)
