Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Beautiful Summer Run

The golden summer light filters through the trees and prances on the ground as I wander through the woods. A tender breeze pushes me from behind as if urging me to discover something ahead. My feet quicken to glide with the wind. A tantalizing urge to run is almost overcoming my soul. I consent for relief.

The rhythm of my footbeats reverberate throughout the trees. Slowly the pulse from my heart begins to flourish. My damp brow cools as the wind splashes my face and refreshes my mind. Trees swish by and reach for my arms with their outstretched branches. A stray hair from my ponytail tickles my cheeks.

The wooded path climbs up the bank. My breathing grows deeper. Stronger. Faster. Suppressed feelings begin to emerge. The rapid exhaling dulls the static in my mind. My heartbeat pulses in my ears. The giant oaks sway in harmony and form a wooded silhouette against a yellow backdrop. A bright sun calls me to come closer. My eyes are fixed on the light. I keep running.

The path curiously comes to an end and I stop at last. Face to my feet I recapture my breath. Heart rate starts to descends. I slowly raise my head as light overwhelms my vision. An enormous field green with health and color hushes my breathing. God's beauty weakens my strength.

It is in this moment, when my mind is quiet and my heart fully awake, I realize more fully the Lord's captivating beauty. I recognize that I rarely think on the Christ's beauty. His strength, power, sovereignty, grace, and love invade my thoughts quite often. But the Lord's beauty is seldom reflected on. Yet is offers us a wealth of good. His beauty is incorrupt. It will not perish. It needs to be looked upon.
"One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple." Psalms 27:4

I encourage you to take a walk or run outside today just to gaze upon the Lord's beauty manifested in His creation. You'll be amazed at the wonder it supplies your soul.


  1. That was a refreshing and beautiful post!

  2. that's a beautiful piece of writing!

  3. Ditto Laura and Sarah! :-) Beautiful post, Kaysie.

    I begin almost everyday with a brisk jog/ walk down the road. It gets me up and going and prepares my heart for Quiet Time when going inside! It's so refreshing to be out of doors and to behold God's handy work.

  4. I agree--ditto Laura & Sara! That was so beautiful, Kaysie!

  5. I've been a lurker here for a little while (found you via Anna @ Hope Road)...and decided to finally comment :)

    I really needed to read this post! I have been so busy lately and have neglected to stop and look at all the beauty God has created. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Kristen, I am so glad you commented! :) Welcome. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. I know what you mean, it is so easy to neglect God beauty than stand and look at it face to face.

    Hope you stop by again!

  7. Every time I visit your blog I read an uplifting post. You are a wonderful writer! I too love to enjoy the beauty and peace of God's creation. It brings such happiness and rest to my soul. :-)


  8. Amanda, thank you for your sweet words!
    God's creation is amazingly beautiful and has wonderful effects on our soul.
    Thank you for stopping by. :)
