Saturday, November 1, 2008

Higher Ground

"From the ends of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for You have been my refuge and strong tower against the enemy." Psalms 61:2-3

With the news of yet another dear friend's pain and struggle, my heart felt the renewed despair that accompanies earnest sympathy. The words escaped my mouth as I tried to offer comfort for the people who face their darkest hour. The swelling waters of pain, reality, and heartache are trying their best to drown the life and happiness of those close to me, and I myself feel at times the force of grief. Hearts are fainting. Spirits are weary. Darkness seems to be settling in.

We need higher ground.

Since I was a little girl, the closing of Christ's sermon on the mount has created a solid illustration of faith as our foundation in my mind. (Matt. 7:24-27) You know how the story goes. Two people, two houses, two foundations. One built on the rock, and one built on the sand. When the storm came, the rain fell, and the winds blew and beat on the houses, only one was left standing: the house built on the rock. Storms in life reveal our foundation. If we are still standing when the storm passes, we know Who we are built on.

But sometimes, through the process of a crisis or heartbreak, we see that our foundation is not properly established. The wind and waves are tearing us apart, and we cry out for stability. It is then that we must find higher ground, the solid places, to plant our feet and find a faithful shelter. Jesus is calling us higher. He is the Rock that is higher than our problems, our failures, and our emotional stability. He is the refuge we seek.

"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.
Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." Psalms 62:2, 8


  1. Wow Kaysie. That was so powerful and true. What a wonderful message for those of us who are suffering or wondering why these trials are coming at us. We need the higher ground of Christ.

    I cannot tell you how marvelous it is for me to have a friend (even online!) who is so grounded in Christ. So few women, and even fewer men, make Christ truly their all in all. God bless you, girlfriend~

  2. Phylicia, thank you. Your friendship is a treasure in my life as well. I know exactly what you mean about finding solid friends to encourage instead on contradict or distract. Thank you for your beautiful heart, Phylicia. God bless you! :)

  3. These thoughts are very relevant to me right now. Thank you for sharing them, Kaysie. I especially like the picture you chose to accompany your entry. It really reminded me of how solid and trustworthy Christ is in the midst of all my struggles.

  4. Anna, isn't that picture just lovely? I like it too. I am glad the Lord used these thoughts to bless you. :) Thanks for your comment.

  5. Hi Kaysie!

    I've been reading your blog for a while now, but never commented. The way I came upon your blog as well as many others was through Jasmine Baucham's site.

    Here's the main reason why I commented:

    This post had the most beautiful writing I have ever read!

    I look forward to reading more. :)

  6. Naomi, aww, that is so sweet of you to say! :)

    Jasmine is such a good friend and inspiring blogger, and I am privileged to know her. Plus, through her blog I have found many other kindred spirits.

    Hope you stop by again... and thanks again for your encouragement.
