Friday, October 3, 2008

20 Resolutions for the Tongue

Sinclair Ferguson continued to look at James 3:1-12 not only in the context of the verses themselves, but in context of the entire book of James. In case we are wondering where the practical application is for us in this passage of exposing the tongue, the book of James holds a wealth of advice for reigning in this unruly member of our bodies.

Ferguson fleshes out 20 resolutions derived from the book of James:

1. I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to him. (1:5)

2. I resolve to boast only in the exultation I receive in Jesus Christ and also in the humiliation I receive for Jesus Christ. (1:9-10)

3. I resolve to set a watch over my mouth. (1:13)

4. I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak. (1:19)

5. I resolve to learn the gospel way of speaking to both rich and poor. (2:1-4)

6. I resolve to speak in the present consciousness of my final judgment. (2:12)

7. I resolve never to stand on anyone’s face with the words I employ. (2:16)

8. I resolve never to claim as reality in my life what I do not truly experience. (3:14)

9. I resolve to resist quarrelsome words as evidence of a bad heart that needs to be mortified. (4:1)

10. I resolve never to speak decided evil against another out of a heart of antagonism. (4:11)

11. I resolve never to boast in anything but what I will accomplish. (4:13)

12. I resolve to speak as one subject to the providences of God. (4:15)

13. I resolve never to grumble. The judge is at the door. (5:9)

14. I resolve never to allow anything but total integrity in everything I say. (5:12)

15. I resolve to speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer. (5:13)

16. I resolve to sing praises to God whenever I’m cheerful. (5:14)

17. I resolve to ask for the prayers of others when I’m in need. (5:14)

18. I resolve to confess it whenever I have failed. (5:15)

19. I resolve to pray with others for one another whenever I am together with them. (5:15)

20. I resolve to speak words of restoration when I see another wander. (5:19)

I have been using these resolutions to help guide my prayers in the morning concerning my tongue. What a great help they have been to me, and I hope they will be of help to you in prayer and sanctification.


  1. Hi Kaysie!!

    It has been SO long since I was even on here! I have missed you and your blog so much... it is always such an encouragement. I should begin on the Quill again, but I am afraid my traffic has dropped to 0... Anyway, this is a great post. How are you doing?
    Love in Him

  2. Hey Phylicia! I am doing just fine. Glad to hear you are blogging again. I always enjoy your posts. Don't worry about your traffic, it will slowly pick back up again. :)

  3. How amazing! I think I'm going to have to hang a copy of this in my room to remind me daily about this! Thank you so much for posting.

  4. That is exactly what I'm going to do too! I really need to remember these. :)
