Friday, October 17, 2008

Speaking Skies

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them,
and there is nothing hidden from its heat. (Psalms 19:1-6)

I have adored this passage of Scripture for years. It serves as a very poetic reminder to recognize the glory of God in all areas of my life, especially through nature. How often I get in a hurry, running out to my car for an appointment without stopping to look up at the sky and hear what it is proclaiming. The birds outside my window desire to remind me of God's amazing glory, but I don't open the window. An evening breeze plays with my hair but I can't stop to listen.

I was reading something John Piper taught on this passage today, and God used these words to penetrate my heart about listening to His silent voice in His creation.

"God means for there to be communication from his mind and heart to our mind and heart, but the medium of communication—the thing that carries the reality from his heart to my heart—is not written words; it's not spoken words. Instead it's light and color and contrast and shape and proportion and design and motion and magnitude, etc. ... Wordless words, speechless speech, voiceless voice. The point is clear: God is pouring forth communication to us through the sky; he is telling and proclaiming and speaking and writing lines and declaring knowledge to everyone who will stop and listen."


  1. p.s. I adore that Bible passage too. =)

  2. Kaysie,

    I was just having this conversation with myself the other day as I was reflecting on the beauty of autumn. God speaks so vividly through his handiwork...yet I don't take the time to always stop and just be still.

    I love John Piper's words...thank you for sharing them.


  3. "How often I get in a hurry, running out to my car for an appointment without stopping to look up at the sky and hear what it is proclaiming."

    Oh how this is too often the way I tend to do life! Thank you for this encouraging post reminding me to open my eyes and look at what a wonderful God I have! My on going prayer is that God would teach me to live with my eyes open to see!

  4. Sara, so good to hear from you! Yes, isn't this passage just lovely?! :)
    I think it will always be a struggle for us to remain focused on seeing God in His creation, but if our hearts are open and desire more of His glory, I think God will open our eyes and our ears to hear the speaking skies.

    Trinity Mommy, so I am not the only one! ;) Amen. I think prayer is a great way for our eyes to be opened to see this beautiful glory and give praise to the Creator. Thanks for your comment!

  5. That last part by John Piper reminded me why it's really so good to meditate on the Word of God...and that I need to do more of that.

    I've also thought that part of that Psalm was really awesome. All over the world, people will hear that the Lord is real if they'll only stop and listen. And we'll all see and appreciate the wonder of the Lord more if we'll only stop to take in the beauty He so lovingly put all around us.

    It truly is a fabulous Psalm :-D

  6. My father was just reading to us out of a catechism book about the subject of "General Revelation" which is basically creation. Not everyone has had the chance to read the Bible, yet they know there is a God just by observing the glories of his creation... like the sky! :)

    I love your posts, Kaysie!

    Did you get my comment about you being tagged?

  7. Sharon, what a great point. This is a fantastic reason to meditate on Scripture.
    It is true, the heaven are telling of the glory of God, if we will only listen.

    Julia, yes I did get your tag... sorry for not responding! I will get to that post as soon as I can. :) That sound like a great book your father is reading. God is revealing Himself everywhere - especially in the sky! :)
