Friday, September 5, 2008

Blog... to interact

In honor of my one year blogoversary, I have decided to do a small series on why I blog based on an excellent article by Abraham Piper. Even though the article was written to persuade pastors to blog, I have found the reasons and principles to be true for any Christian blogger.

Blogging is a great way to interact.

This aspect is probably the most rewarding because connecting with people similar (or contrasting) bring unique personalities and outlooks which add a meaning to blogging. After all, people are the target of any ministry. I have interacted with many enjoyable and encouraging people through blogging, and many friendships continue into regular emails.

The world holds endless possibilities for friendship... and confrontation, which is all a part of the "interaction". The Lord continually teaches me a "cyber grace", recognizing that, as Abraham Piper once put it, "you are dealing with real human beings who are having real days that can really be ruined." Just because I can't physically "see" the person with whom I am interacting doesn't entitle me to rudeness or insensitivity.

The "cyber grace" also overlaps into the discernment of blogging. Let's not pretend all internet interactions are safe and friendly. Rather, all connections should be carefully reviewed with a flavor of grace and discernment. In light of the overall interactions I've had through blogging, I am happy to say that the encouraging and beneficial friendships far outweigh the negative responses. And I am thankful for that.


  1. I have absolutely enjoyed my interactions with you through your blog. You are a very open and accessible person, which is very important to effectively spread God's message.

  2. I completely agree with Coffeegirl217, you are a very "real" person who makes others feel welcomed here on your blog. You reach out to each of us and show us how much you care. And I really appreciate that. Great post!

  3. Thank you, Courtney. I am thankful for your encouragement! :)
