Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Transcends Language

A few nights ago, my family invited some missionaries from Columbia to enjoy some outdoor time at our property. Hours of fun and fellowship followed, despite some language barriers. To listen and observe a deep rooted faith in these people fanned the flame in my heart to live wholly surrendered to Jesus. Even though we couldn't discuss in detail the Lord's workings in each of our lives, we could simply smile with gratefulness and express our love for the Lord and our love for them.

It is amazing to see the Spirit at work in another's life, especially in someone who lives outside of America. God's truth and passion extends outside of my little world. I can become so "Americanized" in my Christianity. Seeing these people aflame with God's love was good for my worldview.

When the time came for us to say goodbye and give hugs to all, the man from Columbia asked if he could pray for us. He began to pray in his native language of Spanish, crying out passionately and sincerely to the Lord with thankfulness and godly expectancy that I rarely hear or use.

Although I have no idea exactly what he prayed, I knew the Lord did. During the prayer I opened my eyes and glanced from face to face and saw the marvelous wonder of God's transcending grace. No matter what language, country, or person, God's redemption and truth transcends language.


  1. What a blessed opportunity to open your home and hearts to these missionaries. I'm sure that even though your heart was encouraged - their hearts were mightily blessed by your hospitality and love!

  2. My youngest son and wife and three grandsons are in So. Peru serving with the IMB. I have felt this also when we go down and work and visit. I am blessed over and over.

    I found your site yesterday,
    I am starting a study "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones with our Sr High School Girls at our church and this site will be a great tool for me and a devotion for the girls.
    God Bless and see you tomorrow.
    Love, Carolyn Rains

  3. Hi Kaysie! I read your blog often and wanted to comment on this because it's so close to home for me right now! I'm currently living in France, teaching English for a year, and it's been so eye-opening for me to see God working in another language. I'm working alongside a girl from Germany who knows little English, so French is our common language. Simply making friendships in French was strange for me at first, but it's been cool to see God erase this minor barrier; it's our hearts that have been forming the friendship, not the language! God's love seriously transcends language and permeates cultural differences; He is in everyone, everywhere, always shining!!!! What an amazing God we serve!

  4. Grannie Rains, how amazing that your children are serving the Lord in Peru! Praise the Lord. It is also amazing that you are starting the "Lady in Waiting" study for the high school girls. I have went through some of that material and found in very encouraging. May the Lord richly bless your study and each young woman attending. I am thankful if my site can help in any way. :)

    Irp392, thank you for your comment and for sharing your story! That is awesome that the Lord is forming friendships despite the language. The Spirit of the Lord knows no limits and works in lives that are so different on the outside but close in heart. God bless you in your service! :)

  5. I was browsing through your archives (specifically Psalm 37, which is my favorite psalm). And I jsut wanted to say that just through browsing briefly, I really got an urge to just pick up my Bible and start reading. So thank you!!


  6. Megan, wow, thank you for your comment! The Holy Spirit is so wonderful! :)
    May the Lord richly bless you through your reading!
