Monday, January 21, 2008

Friendly Forum #1

images_9_2.jpegHello all, and welcome to our first Friendly Forum!

I pray this is an exciting and encouraging feature that let's you all interact with one another and me on subjects close to our hearts for the edification of all.

Just a quick note before we get started, this Forum is for you and by you, so please comment as often as you want. I will be reading over each and every response to mediate and interact with you. Also, if you have an idea for the next Forum, please go to the Features Page and leave me a comment or drop me an e-mail.

Remember to read the Comment Policy for comment guidelines. Most of all, have fun and be encouraged in the Lord and by your sisters in Christ around the world! 

Our first Friendly Forum is to deal with this question/situation:
    A young friend is struggling in her walk with the Lord. She finds it hard to stay focused on God and sometimes would really rather accept the world's standards rather than God's. She wants to love God with all her heart but is just discouraged.

What would you say to encourage her? 


  1. I would say that I can understand how she feels. Unless it is just me, I don't think everyone has it together every moment of the day. We struggle, and that is a perfect time to cry out to the Lord even more. He knows our hurt and thoughts even more than we do ourselves.

  2. I agree with you Ella, I think I would tell her that I have, at some times, wanted what the world has.
    But I would remind her that the world is living in darkness. But if she follows Jesus, she can shine her light in this dark world.
    And I would tell her that she shouldn't be discouraged, even if she isn't seeing a difference from her beliefs, maybe she is just planting the seed, and someone else will come and water it.

  3. I think I would have to remind her that the world offers "quick fixes" to our problems, and that the excitement that comes with the things of the world is temporary. Heaven offers an eternal fix to our problems, and what we will find when we get there is better than anything we could ever do or have here on earth. Our struggles and the temptations to follow the world are means to strengthen our faith, and if we follow Jesus and rely on our faith in Him, we will reap the rewards.

  4. For the discouraged heart I would say to remember to set the Lord continually before you, making sure nothing is standing between you and the Lord. (Ps. 16:8) Examine your heart for "idols" you have placed on the throne of your heart where God rightly belongs. As Touchofglory wisely said, the world pleasures are temporary and hold no eternal rewards, but Jesus offers to us pleasures forevermore.
    The desires in your heart to love God more are pure and praiseworthy, and if you continue to seek the Lord, and earnestly pray to love Him more, He WILL reward you. (Heb. 11:6) He promises that those who seek Him diligently will be rewarded.
    Also remember that our feelings should not dictate what we believe, about ourselves or about God. Feelings come and go like the wind, but stand firm in the Word on what is truth. You might what to memorize some verses on how God views you and how you should respond to Him.

    Don't give up... His mercy is always new every morning.

  5. How often I even get discouraged in my walk with the Lord. It can be so hard when you feel all alone. However, to make it a priority to seek God's face and His alone should be our utmost desire. He's touched with the feeling of our infirmities. It's easy to look at the here and now - but truly what's done for eternity is what counts. Even in what seems like our "valley of the shadow of death, loneliness, and discouragement" - He's there helping us all the way. Don't give up when it gets tough. But we must rather find our source of strength in Him for we are safe in the shadow of His wings!!

  6. Thank you everyone for your amazing responses so far! Each one has blessed me greatly... :)

    I read a great verse this morning that I would like to share pertaining to this situation:
    "Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive me in Your ways. Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces a reverence for You." (Ps.119:37-38)
    Praying for revival in our hearts is needed by everyone consistently, especially me, for everyone knows the pain and loneliness in discouragement. To receive the revival in the verses above, we must "turn our eyes away from looking at vanity", and focus on God's ways. Also, when we look to God's Word it produces a reverence for the Lord that helps the fight against flesh and spirit.

    We can all deeply sympathize with being discouraged... but we must strive for renewal and revival through God's Word and His Spirit.

  7. Theres a lot that could be said, but as God's Word is the most powerful tool, I would encourage her to read the book of Psalms... David was discouraged many a time... and also gave in, for a time, to the "beauty" of this world. But God forgave and was his refuge and strength.

  8. all the above comments are good and i know that your friend will be greatly encouraged.....all the answers to life's questions are in the word of God. She should stick to the truth and know that God knows exactly what she's going through and will provide a way out. Her desire is to love God with all her heart and God knows her heart and what she longs for. so she should not give up now........she should fight for her relationship with God. Ofcourse the enemy wants her to give up BUT He who is in us is greater than the devil in the world.

    i'm praying for your friend that she will stick to Jesus.


  9. I love all the above responses - really heartfelt.

    I would only add to what has been said: if you are continuing to struggle in your faith, I would pray that God would direct your heart to find an older and mature mentor (preferably your own mother) to share with and give you godly wisdom and accountability. My Mother has been a great aid to my journey with God.
    Also, along with the Bible, I would encourage you to read Stepping Heavenward. It is an awesome book filled with encouragement for the discouraged. Like everyone has said, don't give up and continue to cling to God.

  10. This is really great... also encouraging to me. I read a verse yesterday that really spoke to my heart and can be applied to this situation as well.

    "By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to endure the ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward." Hebrews 11:24-26

    We must see through the passing pleasures of sin, and endure for the sake of Christ, always looking to the reward.
