Monday, September 29, 2008

Back Home from DG

We have arrived back home from an active and encouraging conference weekend. Although both Mom and I are pretty exhausted, we are thankful for the opportunity to worship and learn with 3,000 other believers. Our hearts are full.

I cannot wait to expound more on what the Lord is in the process of teaching me from the sessions and speakers; hope you are up to hearing them! I can't wait to process through my notes and implant what truths God has for me - and write to secure what I'm learning.

While at the conference I met a few fellow bloggers, Olivia, and Abraham and Molly Piper (and little Morrow!), and Carolyn McCulley, which was uniquely exciting. They were all incredibly nice and remain true to their perception found on their blogs. It is rather exciting to meet people face to face whom you would only otherwise only meet in blogosphere. God is so good.

I also met John Piper. (Yeah, I know!) That was an amazing experience. For so long I have enjoyed his books and writings, and to finally meet him face to face was incredible. He signed the inside cover of my Bible and we got to talk for a short while. For such a powerful and passionate speaker, in conversation he is sincerely gentle and interested in everyone. Even after preaching intensely for over an hour he was constantly smiling and never rushed any of us along. I am so thankful to Lord allowed me to meet him.

Well, I have many insights swirling around in my head that will hopefully rest on paper soon. Again, I thank you for all your prayers and kindness with your comments. I have missed you all! But I am back with many words in my heart, and instruction on how to properly and biblically let them out.


  1. Hey
    I am just doing a bit of blog searching and came across yours.
    John Piper is one man I would love to meet and have a chat to. His ministry is close to my heart to and always gives food for thought, eh!
    I will be interested to read more on your thoughts from the conference that you met him at.
    OK, cool. Your blog is considerably more developed than mine, (I am new to this) but you might get a general idea as to the kind of stuff I will write about as the months unfold.


  2. Hi Nick,

    Yes, John Piper is quite a man to meet. I am so thankful God gave me the opportunity. :) More thoughts on the conference to come soon. I am still in the process of sorting all of them out...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Glad to hear you had such an encouraging and wonderful time! God be praised! It's always an immense blessing to come back rejuvenated in spirit, more excited, and more in love with Jesus!

  4. Hi Kaysie,
    Glad you had such a nice time. I haven't been here in awhile and thought I would stop by and say hello!

  5. Welcome back, Kaysie! That's neat that you were able to meet John Piper! :)


  6. I was so excited when I met him, Julia! :)

  7. I'm glad you were able to attend this conference, Kaysie! Looking forward to your insights. :)

  8. I had such a great time meeting you at DG too! I am so glad you enjoyed it. It was a very amazing weekend. God bless.

  9. Ditto Stephanie! :-)

    Kaysie, you've been tagged! Go to our blog ( for more details.

    God bless!

  10. Olivia, (nobody416)
    It was pleasure to meet you in person! I only wish we could have had more time to chat, but the Lord was so good to even allow our paths to cross. :)

    Kasie, so I am tagged, am I? I will get right on it!

  11. I'm glad you got home safe and that you had such a wonderful time! Now, I'm in suspense to read your future posts!!

  12. I am so glad you had an encouraging time at Desiring God!

    Oh, I now have a personal url, so you might want to check that out on my blog!

  13. I'm so glad the conference went well for you! It sounds like it was an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear more about what you learned!


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