Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Advertising the greater Treasure

I am constantly amused (in a discerning way) at the world's cleverly devised system of advertising. Those who can look through the deception behind the product can see the world's market is quietly proclaiming the greater God.

Usually you can simply substitute the product with the Provider.

The boisterous promises the salesmen make or the seduction of lies morph into empty pleasures when compared to the Living God. Christ is the treasure buried in a field, and when unearthed provides encompassing joy that results in reckless surrender and supreme satisfaction.

Although the lies are still alluring to the weary eye, the heart has memorized her great Comfort and faithful Hope. No one can persuade us otherwise. Our tongue's have tasted the transforming water of life, and all the world's fountains remain bitter.


  1. I love that last line, "All the world's fountains remain bitter."

  2. Thanks, Anna. :) The aftertaste of sin is indeed a bitter flavor...

  3. Yes, and that is why we must drink from the fountain of life. Actually I'm writing something on that now :P
