Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Change We Really Need

Tonight my family spent most of tonight watching the news and political chatter. And let me say that I think this election is very crucial, and it is important for everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday. Make sure you pray over the candidates - asking God for mercy and prevailing truth. These are important times, and the Christians must stand up or we will be silenced. (ok, stepping off my soapbox...)

Now, I get a little annoyed at all the talk about "change". Listening to all the politician's promises would have you believe they can supply, solve and/or save you for every problem in the nation, all by creating this miraculous "change" they will graciously provide if elected. (which we all know is humanly impossible) But I believe they are mooching off a basic, fundamental reality in America - and every nation for that matter. Every human desires change, because every life has difficulty. If there is some way to get out of that, well then let's change it.

While I think that is some of the issue, I also believe that biblically, inwardly, and emotionally our hearts desire a redemptive change, a transformation that can only come from Christ's salvation and presence in our lives.

For unbelievers, the change is an urgent one. Sinful hearts must be forgiven, minds must be renewed, and lives need transformation. This cannot be provided by a presidential candidate. This real change only comes from Jesus Christ. We must be campaigning for this gospel year-round. This is the change most are looking for. And it starts with repentance and belief in Jesus. (Mark 1:15)

For the Christians, we must remember that when you loose your job or struggle to put food on the table, the politicians can't fix that. "My God shall supply all your needs..." (Phil. 4:19) As the economy starts to fray at the ends and we begin to loose our financial "peace", "In Him [Christ] all things hold together..." (Col. 1:17), "He Himself is our peace..." (Eph. 2:14). In these shaky times, we fear for our safety and the future, but no President holds our security in his hands. "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You..." (Ps. 56:3), "For I know the plans I have for you ... to give you a future and a hope..." (Jer. 29:11)

Our need for change is real and urgent. But we must focus on the real need. Politics and government are all good and useful in their proper places (and important to learn and participate in), but the soul's change is truly a matter of life or death. We must never loose focus of this. Because it is the change we all really need.


  1. I just wanna say that simply, I hate politics.

  2. Jewelry, I can see how you feel that way, but I also think politics hold an important (and interesting) place in the life of an American. I think they have really overdone it this year, which has caused most of the "politic-weariness", but hang tight - it will be over soon.

  3. Wow, Kaysie, that was awesome! Thanks for your insight on this. I know EXACTLY how you feel about the promise of 'change'. It seems to me that *certain people* (okay, mostly Obama, although other parties are guilty too) promise change without saying WHAT they are changing!! Clarification would be nice :-)

    Thanks again... I am always so encouraged when I visit here.
    Love you

  4. Hey Kaysie, great post! I, too, agree that it's REALLY important to vote in this election. Also, I think that they should really think about it, too. It's a huge privilege and a huge responsibility. No matter who you are going to vote for, I think you should always try to find out (not just who) but what you are voting for. What do you think? Once again, I I enjoyed your post and totally agree with all that you said. Especially that we should always turn to God for the change we need. :)
    Love, Camille

  5. Phylicia, amen! I definitely believe our politicians need to clarify *just a tad* about their principles and plans. It would be helpful, but I doubt the will at this point. Thank you for stopping by! You are so sweet...

    Camille, you bring up a great point - we should figure out what we are voting for, then let that dictate who we vote for. That would sort out a lot.
    If we see an area of our lives that needs change, God is the only solution. :)

  6. Kaysie, change has been a big topic this year, hasn't it? Especially with one candidate! But you are so right. Yes, we need change in so many areas in Washington, but we need changed hearts more. WE need renewal more.

  7. Ella, yes it certainly has! :) It is all a great reminder of the great real change we need in our hearts. It is a change that renews us everyday.
