Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Renewed to a true likeness

Every morning we make a choice, a decision that will effect everyone we encounter throughout our day. Although this decision is slightly underrated, it is uniquely important:
we decide what to wear.

You might laugh at my seriousness, and as usual, I do have a spiritual point I hope to make, but this reality of getting dressed just recently dawned in my thoughts. Every morning I choose what to wear for today, and my adornment will be visible to everyone I meet. Who I am (or want to portray) radiates through my clothing.

So when I was reading through Romans the other morning, this verse fleshed out the above principle.
"But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to it's lusts." Romans 13:14

Just as I decided what to wear today, I also in a similar manner decided what (or Who) to "put on" as I walked through today. This is very important. What should this "Jesus adornment" look like? God brought me to these verses in Colossians to help compose my "wardrobe".
"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." (3:12-14)

This is the adornment of Christ Himself. He displayed all of these attitudes and traits, consistently attracting disciples to be clothed with Himself. When I adorn myself with the above attributes, I am being renewed to a true likeness of the One who created me and called me to walk in the newness of life.
"And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator." Colossians 3:10

And, to use the familiar phrase, it looks great on you! :)


  1. We "put on" Christ. I've used this text before to make almost exactly the same point. When we are comformed to the image of Christ, that's what people will see instead of us anyway. I enjoyed this post.

  2. I was just going to skim through this, but then I saw there words "what to wear." It got my attention. :-P And it's so true.

  3. Beautiful! I needed to read this today!

  4. Definitely true! And what we wear speaks on so many levels. Trying to figure out who you're trying to portray is such an important part of getting dressed. I mean, if you're wanting to portray Britney Spears, obviously you're not going to wear something that shows Christ. It's interesting to see how often what we wear conflicts with who we are (or think we are).

  5. Coffeegirl, you are right. Our clothing (whether spiritual or physical) is a vital tool to portray who we want to be or represent. It pretty neat when you think about it. :)

  6. What great verses to place on my closet door or mirror! Thank you for sharing!

  7. That's is a great idea, Kalani! I might do the same! :)

  8. Wow, this is great, Kaysie! :) I just did a post on an article I found on Modesty, and this fits right in!

    So true...and it's a lot like getting out of bed. You choose what side of bed you get out of, the right or the...wrong! YOU choose what you act like, YOU choose what you wear, it is your choice.
    Let's choose the right way!

    Julia :)

  9. By the way, where do you find your pictures? You always have such a wonderful picture to illustrate each post! :)
    Julia ;)

  10. Thanks, Julia. I know what you mean. So many mornings I choose to walk in my flesh instead of the Spirit, to put on me instead of Christ. I have a lot to learn. :)

    I am glad you like my post photos. I usually get mine from Jupiter Images ( - but just a pre-warning, I have come across very inappropriate pictures on that site, so be careful what you search for. But for the most part they have really creative, beautiful photos. ;)

  11. Right now, your material meaning is very real to me. Every time I leave the house I have to choose if I am going to follow my heart and wear a skirt or if I should just put on jeans. It doesn't help when my mother occasionally disapproves of me wearing skirts on nature hikes or to youth group...

    So then I see so much more clearly your spiritual meaning. And that is true too. Very true.

    Thank you Kaysie. For some reason, I rarely find the time to come over here, but when I do, there is always something meaningful calling my name.

    Maria Pauline

  12. Maria Pauline, thank you for your sweet words. I am glad the Lord is using this in your life. I enjoyed hearing about how this is personal to you. :) I do hope you make time to visit again. I love to hear your thoughts.
