Sunday, October 26, 2008

When the tears stop

Life can have a hardening effect on me at times. Things that once moved my heart or even created a tear become callous expected moments that I can thoughtlessly handle. No surprises. No weakness. No problems. Call me capable. While on the outside I may appear to handle life gracefully, inside my heart grows dead, breaking into infertile pieces of dry crust. And the Spirit struggles to penetrate.

I can always tell when I slip into this rut. The symptoms are familiar. My compassion wearies, I smother my emotions, and I stop crying out (desperate dependence) to God. The last reason is the most detrimental, because the reverse is one of the remedies to this soul-deadening syndrome.

Living life in this withered valley slowly suffocates the abundant life Christ died to give us. Our inner lives which God created to flourish and glorify are the target of this disease. And I have seen this battlefield in more hearts than my own. Is there help? What can we do to cure our dead hearts? The advice I give is tested and found to be true. We must first cry out to the Living God - the great Heart Healer - to save us from this destruction.

Like I said earlier, one of the effects of a hardened heart is silence before God. We just don't say anything to God. Life rolls on as normal and our quiet times continue but with little results, and a sad heart.

One must consider the "roots" of this problem to find the solution. If the remedy is to cry out for mercy and help, then the problem begins when we stop crying out. I read something this morning that brought all these thoughts around full circle:

"For I am a jealous God, saith Jehovah, and I will not share My glory with another. Yea, I will pour out My goodness without restraint upon every open heart, and to all who cry unto Me, and I will be gracious. But My people have not cried: they have not called. Lo, they have been satisfied with the husks of this present world, and in an hour of indifference, they have allowed the pleasures of this life to fill that place which only belongs to Me. Yea, it hath displaced My Spirit, but it satisfieth not. O that they might return to Me..."

The seeds of this hardness results from idolatry. Running to something or someone else beside the Lord, embracing the world as a guide and friend, trusting in ourselves instead trusting in Christ. This is adultery of the heart. And participating in this will cause a heart to slowly harden.

This calls for deep repentance - crying out for mercy and help from our Father above. He sees what we've done. He knows our hearts are numbing Him out. He sees our sin. But He wants us to return. "O that they might return to Me..." Can you hear Him call? He wants your heart - your awakened heart - fully in His hands. I speak out of experience and struggle, when the Spirit is snuffed, our hearts harden. Let us return and open our mouths and cry to the listening Father, who is waiting for the prodigal to come back home.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I find myself "too busy" to stop and read Daily Light and pray when it rolls around at 8. I always shrug it off and say later, sometimes meaning in a few hours, sometimes meaning I'll pick it back up again tomorrow. I feel so weak and helpless when I lapse into days of silence towards God. It never starts out as me being angry or some other rift; it starts out of laziness. But the good thing about God (OK, one of many many many good things) is that he's always going to be there for me when I do call out to Him again. I am so thankful for this, yet I am so humbled that He (of all people) waits for me (of all people).

  2. Coffeegirl, I can be the same way about spending time with God. I find "better" or more "important" things to be doing, which really boils down to idolatry of the heart. I value other things more than Christ. And this usually leads to a growing silence before the Lord. (as explained in this post)

    But, like you said, God is always there when we turn around and cry out. What mercy He shows us... and I know I don't deserve it either. It is humbling.

  3. Have you been reading my personal journal? ... Wow, that was tremendous!
    Thanks for sharing from your heart, even though it is painful truth. But that is what we all need to be doing, sharing our true heart struggles and victories, so that we can truly encourage one another on this journey of life. And guess what? This life here on earth is just an appetizer of the eternal life to come ... Praise God! Thanks Kaysie!

  4. The most wonderful thing about coming to the Lord and crying our heart out is that He WANTS us to do it. There are some Christians who think they have to appear perfect, have it all together....when all the Lord longs for is us saying, "I don't have it all together. Here I am, broken and brusied and heart beyond all imagination. Work in me. Mold Me. I am the clay; You are the Potter."

  5. You know Kaysie, I've been in this place before and a tendency for me is to see it as the easier path to walk. I tell myself "I'm fine" and push on, thinking it's easier to ignore and push down difficult emotions. The thing is, they always surface eventually. ;)
    I'm so greatful that God knows our hearts so intimately and that His grace is enough - He is the perfect healer if we will only surrender and come to Him for healing.

  6. This is so appreciated Kaysie!

    It's important for me to remember that I need Him just as much, if not more!, when things *appear* to be going well as I do when I *feel* dependant and know my life is out of kilter.

    I am thankful that He knows my heart and is faithful to draw me close to HImself when he sees me wandering.

    I have put a link to this post on my blog as I know my blog readers will be as blessed as I am I am in reading it as well as the rest of your blog ....

    Feel free to *take* the graphic which states that 'You Have Touched My Heart' ... there are NO strings attached or any requirements on your part ~ it's just my way of showing my appreciation :o)


  7. Cindy, no, I promise I haven't been reading your journal! ;) But I find it amazing that God is speaking to us about the same things. It is a painful truth to share, but it feels good to share it. And hopefully it will encourage others who are in this same place. Thank you.

    Ella, amen to that! I know that I easily fall into the category of "perfect Christians", meaning that I strive to appear that way. But God is bringing me to a place of brokenness (and true reality), that I don't have it all together and I need God to fix me daily. :) Thanks for your comment.

    Stephanie, do I know what you mean! I am constantly telling myself and others I am just fine, when sometimes I am really falling apart inside. And yes, these buried emotions do surface eventually!
    Praise the Lord for His grace - it is healing.

    Dallas, wow, thank you! I am humbled that the Lord is using this post to touch others. This is such an encouragement. Thank you. Blessings to you as well.

  8. I just want to say, I truly thank the LORD for each of you. The Holy Spirit is revealing each and everyone of our weights. HE loves us so...... much that HE does not want us to die thinking we have it all together and we don't. For the past couple of months, my prayer has been LORD show me myself, and ladies the Holy Spirit has revealed some horrible things. I'm saddend and thankful at the same time. As Kaysie stated,"I find “better” or more “important” things to be doing, which really boils down to idolatry of the heart." That is the Word of GOD and I thank you all for being so honest and real. I pray that each and everyone of us will continue to press toward the mark in Christ Jesus~Phil.3:14. I love you all

  9. I can relate to this all too well.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  10. QueenZ, amen! Praise the Lord for His simple, precious blessings of truth. I am like you in that God is showing me more and more about myself (and it's not pretty). You said it correctly - it is a sad kind of thankfulness. With God help we can press on. Thank you for sharing your heart here. What a blessing.

    Kelsey, thank you! It is weird to find others struggling with this too. Funny how Satan tricks me into thinking I'm the only one... :)
