Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ode to Tea

I'm sorry, but I am really enjoying my tea this morning. And I had to write about it.

Tea is one of those special delights that makes me happy just thinking about it. Every realm of it's features inspire me. I love the smell. The taste. The color. The accessories. The photos. The effects. The gatherings. The tearooms. The teacups. The teapots. The history. So everything about it really!

Just for fun, I will include some of my favorite tea quotes:

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.  ~Author Unknown

If you are cold, tea will warm you.  If you are too heated, it will cool you.  If you are depressed, it will cheer you.  If you are excited, it will calm you.  ~Gladstone, 1865

All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes.  ~George Orwell

Remember the tea kettle - it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings!  ~Author Unknown

Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on.  ~Billy Connolly

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.  ~C.S. Lewis

Oh, I am starting to see the bottom of my cup. Time to put the kettle on! :)


  1. That's great! Some good quotes in there. It's starting to get cool enough so I can enjoy my tea while it's nice and hot and not get sweaty. :-) (it's been a longer, seemingly hotter summer than I'm used to)

    Ever had Chai tea? (Celestial Seasonings) I just had a mug of Indian Spice Chai. Add some sugar, some milk...oh! so good! :-)

  2. I love those quotes! Coffee is usually my morning drink of choice, but I love to brew tea in the afternoon or evening right before bed - nothing nicer than collapsing into a pile of pillows with a good book and hot drink. :)

    Question for you - do you put milk in your tea? I drink mine without because I think the colour is so beautiful!


    For all tea drinkers nation wide, three cheers for Earl Grey!

    We need to start a Women of Tea bible study or something...
    Love ya

  4. Kasie, I must try Chai tea sometime! Sounds great... I am thankful for the cooler weather - perfect tea drinking weather! :)

    Stephanie, I do not put milk in my tea, due to the fact that I am lactose intolerant. But I definitely agree that it makes the color amazing. I usually take two sugars in mine. :)

    Phylicia, that would be amazing to start a woman's tea bible study! I would definitely come! Amen to the Earl Grey! Love that stuff...

  5. I love raspberry ICED tea. :) I love tea, too -- have you ever had Traditional Medicinal? It's an herbal tea, and there are so many kinds -- they actually do WORK! Very well! :) Whenever I have a cough (like now :() I drink HerbaTussin -- it tastes delicious, and it really helps me not cough so much.

  6. I love the one about being in hot water--and still singing!! Should be the same with us.

    Personally, it is hard for me to find a good chai tea. Most that I can make at home are bland as can be. I will take Starbucks when I want that =)

  7. Noelle, no I have yet to try any Traditional Medicinal tea... but I could have used some last week! (I know what you are gong through with your cough!) I will have to look into that.

    Ella, isn't that quote cute? I loved it when I first read it. :)
    Yum, chai sounds so good. I haven't tried Starbucks chai, which I think has milk in it which I can't have, but it looks great from all the pictures.

    All this is really making me thirsty for some more tea! :)

  8. Kaysie, I love tea too! I drink hot tea even through the summer. Cute post!

  9. Oh, one of my favorite subjects. Yes to Earl Gray, I tried Lady Gray by Twinings...and it is wonderful or lovely in the morning. Phylicia, I think a Bible study with tea sounds wonderful.
    God Bless with a dainty cup in hand...

  10. My favorite was the one by C.S. Lewis! And no, I'm not biased at all! If he likes tea, then it has to be great! :)

    P.S. all the others were good, too! :)

    A huge C.S. Lewis fan named, Camille

  11. Hi Kaysie,I like this post I like to drink tea too and the quotes are great too:)
    PS. Is it ok if I tag you?

  12. Sara, I'm with you! Tea is too wonderful to just drink in the summer! :)

    Grannie Rains, I too love Lady Grey. I just love Twinings. So good...

    Camille, I knew you would like the one by Lewis. What wisdom he has! :)

    Katy, yeah, another tea lover! :) Sure you can tag me...

  13. Cute quotes Kaysie! I love tea too! One of my favorite ways to get homework done is to make a cup of hot tea (I love Ginger Peach), turn on some calming music, light a candle, settle down at the table and work....
    Yes, tea is AWESOME!! :-)

  14. Brianna, that sounds amazing! Isn't is wonderful how tea can have a calming effect on you... especially when you need to do a lot of studying?! :)

  15. Thank you for this delightful post! I am a fellow devoted tea-drinker and bibliophile, and have been enjoying your blog. Your tea and books posts are quite the inspired idea. :) Our Lord bless and keep you, sister.

  16. Michelle, I am glad you liked this post. Always good to find another tea drinking friend. :)
    I happen to like the Tea and Books posts myself. I love talking about both subjects. (as you can tell...) Hope you drop by again. Love to hear from you.
    God bless you too.

  17. I'm a big tea lover and those quotes are great. I haven't gotten to do a lot of blog browsing lately so it's nice to stop in for a visit again. Love the new look and the pictures at the top.

  18. Thanks, Bonita! :) I have missed your comments...
