Sunday, September 21, 2008

Summer's last moments

The trees whizzed past me as I drove down the country road. The speed of my vehicle created a pleasant breeze that I enjoyed with my windows down. The sun was beginning to lower into it's slumber for the night and the crickets awoke to play their music. Old barbed wire fences channeled the road and protected the drowsy cattle on the other side. A whirlwind of freshly fallen leaves followed behind my car. The tall aging grass swayed in the fields. Trickles of color splashed among the fence rows blooming before summer breathes it's last.

With the birth of new seasons comes the death of old seasons. Their last moments are their most brilliant. The vivid colors, happy weather, and sheer beauty bid us goodbye before they fade into the next season. God is gentle in His revolution of seasons. Sometimes we hardly recognize summer is over before autumn begins. We just wake up one morning and enter a new season. But sometimes we eagerly appreciate the slow metamorphosis that happens before our eyes.

Tomorrow we welcome the new season of autumn. I am probably bias since autumn is my favorite time of the year, but I am ready for this new season. But I am learning to relish the season I am in, so this afternoon on my drive I enjoyed every moment I could.
Because for everything there is a season...


  1. Autumn's my favorite season too! I'm eager to see how the Tennessee colors compare to that of the New England area where we used to live - I hear it's just as pretty! Summer was great, but I'm definitely ready for cooler weather and my favorite season. :-)

    Happy Fall!

  2. Happy Fall to you too, Kasie! Glad to know another autumn lover! :)

  3. Hi Kaysie...Fall is my favorite season too! My mom and I eagerly watch all the colors appear...and we pull out the big fluffy sweaters as soon as it hits 70 (not really.... :-)
    Thank you for the beautiful description of fall...and for the reminder that we need to savor the moment...

  4. So true! Hits right home to me the season I'm in. :)


    Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds

  5. *wipes a tear away*

    absolutely beeauutifull, kaysie!

  6. [...] can’t help it. I have to do the obligatory beginning of autumn post, complete with a few apropos images, of course. (I’m even listening to Jon [...]
