Monday, October 6, 2008

Gratefully Overwhelmed

Today was one of those days in which God totally overwhelmed me with His goodness... these days happen to me every once in a while. I wish it would happen more, but I treasure them while they last. Moment by moment God has restored my soul with an encouraging word, a gem of truth, and the fellowship of believers. And I am gratefully overwhelmed... God is good.

Without realizing it, my soul was in need of restoration and food. God has abundantly supplied what my heart needed. Again, He is good. Oh He is good.

Tonight I walked outside and peered into the clear sky with the half moon glowing above. I found a place on the grassy lawn and rested my head back to behold the scope of a starry night in all it's glory. God is near. I feel Him. He cares. Really. Such simple truths, but when I really believe them it transforms me deep inside, bringing peace and hope I sometimes ignore. God is good. Yes He is.

Looking up into His heavens, I realize how small I am. But this little life I have, it is all His. I surrender it to Jesus with only the simple cry: make me like You, and please use me for Your glory. If heavens can smile, I saw it tonight. My glorious Father is pulling His children closer, close enough to hear His heartbeat and walk in obedience to it's rhythm. Oh my Jesus is good. So so good...

"For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations." Psalms 100:5


  1. I'm glad you had such an amazing day rejoicing in God's goodness, Kaysie! God is so good to give us these special glimpses into His character that fill us with such joy. :)

  2. Speaking of God's goodness...I remembered a song by Point of Grace called "You Are Good" that I thought you might enjoy. You can listen to it on Youtube:

  3. Thanks so much Stephanie! I am on my way to listen to it right now... :)

  4. That was great Kaysie. I am glad you had a great day. I just love it during the times where the presence of God is so near and just over whelming! Praise the Lord for those days. :)

  5. Oh Kaysie, I almost cried when I read this post. Of course I "know" that God is good, but sometimes we need our fellow believers to remind us. Thank-you for bringing me that reminder today. It is true. Jesus is SO good.

  6. Hi Kaysie! :) That was a beautiful post that I definitely needed to read. You know, there are people all over the world (like me) who stopped for a moment to enjoy God, thanks to the precious reminder in this blog post... isn't that an amazing thing to be able to do. I applaud you for using your gift of writing to bring people closer to Him.

    "I realize how small I am. But this little life I have, it is all His."

    Isn't it amazing how much God can do with the little we give? And how much he appreciates our offerings, which are so tiny compared to his greatness? We are loved indeed. :)

  7. Olivia, amen. I love these kinda days. :)

    Rosanne, aww, that is so sweet of you to say. I am in the same boat with you. Life is so distracting from appreciating God's awesome goodness. I was to recognize it more.

    Oksana, thank you for your comment... it was a blessing to my heart tonight. I hope to use whatever gift I have with writing for Jesus' glory and for the help of others. To hear that this is happening is such a blessing. Thank you...

  8. I know exactly what you mean. I also want this kind of thing to happen to me more often. It's my fault it doesn't thought, because I'm often running about, doing something else, and not drawing close to God and sitting quietly with Him. :-( That's one area I really need to work on.

    But I've made a fresh start and He'll help me :-D That I know.

  9. Kaysie, I recently found your blog and I LOVE IT. I cannot tell you how happy and blessed I am to of found you!

    I really appreciate your thoughts and the verses you post. Keep up the great work, I also sent your link to some friends and posted it on my myspace. Hope you don't mind! God bless and have a great rest of the week.


  10. Halley, wow! Thank you... :) Your comment was such a blessing to me - I hope you stop by again often. That is perfectly fine to send my link out. Thank you for your encouragement through your kind words. God bless you too, Halley.

  11. When I read this posting, I feel that Jesus is soo near, I can hear His heartbeats just like you.
    Thanks for sharing! :D

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