Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The aroma of knowledge

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Does knowledge have a fragrance? Well according to this verse it does. Any kind of knowledge? Most specifically, the knowledge of Christ. But I would debate that all knowledge has a fragrance. Recount the people you've brushed by this past week. As you listened to their words, observed their attitudes, experienced their judgements what aroma did you detect? The knowledge of God? Of the world? Of corruption? Of the Savior?

Incredible isn't it? What people know diffuses through potently to others.

Such is what God intended. And He intends it to spread His fragrance, His knowledge. Our foul world reeks of deception and destruction. People are dying. Lives are wasting. What people don't know can hurt them. And the aroma is toxic...

When Christ comes into a heart, He transforms the atmosphere of the soul with the fragrance of His knowledge. Grace justifies. Truth purifies. Peace spreads an aroma of holiness. Relentless love from a Holy God fills the pores of the heart with the oil of gladness. Life flourishes with purpose and passion. Life becomes eternal.

And amazingly, the knowledge of God can spread throughout the world by diffusing through us...


  1. What a powerful thought, that we are to be the aroma of Christ.
    I thought it was interesting how this verse says, "among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."

  2. Yeah, Bryant... isn't it amazing? Which means our "fragrance" can be a witness tool. Pretty amazing. :)

  3. I really appreciate what you brought out of this verse and have shared here ~ your writing is amazing because it brings the reader right into *where you are and what you are enjoying* and that's a wonderful gift :o)

  4. Awww. Thank you, Dallas! That means so much to me. Oftentimes I read over my drafts and wonder, "Will anyone get what I's trying to say?"

    So it means a lot to hear that God speaks through my writings. Thanks for your comments. :)

  5. Keep spreading the fragrance of Christ. Thanks for this post, it is very insightful. You are sort of like a honey bee that goes from the flowers of God's gracious Word and spreads it elsewhere. Keep it up and God bless.

  6. Thanks, Penn. :) I have never looked at it that way. I appreciate your encouragement.
