Thursday, September 4, 2008

time won't stop

Time won't stand still for me. I must use time to work for me. The days are evil. The battle is fierce. Time must be redeemed or all is lost. Moments void of purpose are fading flowers of the field which wither and blow away without a memory or impact. 

My hands must be busy, my mind focused, my heart resolved, my flesh restrained, and my passion flaming. Lift the banner high. All must see it.

Does one second matter? It is just a slit of time. An eye can blink and all be gone, or a lung can fill and sing. Every breath does matter, if it breathes with eternity in mind. Time won't stop for the weary or careless. Focus is required of us. With the cross as our motto, and the Spirit as our guide, let us fight for the time we have left. No moment is as critical as now.

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16


  1. Thank you for sharing this today... just what my heart needed to hear this morning!

  2. Happy Friday Kaysie,

    I am hoping you will be a regular visitor and reader of my site both of them. We are having a "Dare You To Move" Challenge Please come read about it...and help get the word out with all your friends whom you know will enjoy this "Challenge". I tell you, it is going to be tough...but God calls us to not be comfortable (or) also said it wouldn't be... with and in our walk with him...we are to always be willing to go through trials and challenges for the sake of perseverance and character, right? James 1:2 These challenges won't be easy...but we hope we can at least encourage others to try;-))

    We have added you to our site~hope you will add us if you like.

    God Bless you,
    Jeannene (and Gina)

  3. Thanks Kaysie!

    I needed to be reminded of that...especially now that school started again, and life gets so busy that I forget what's really important, what I should really use my precious time for!

  4. What an eye-opener! Thanks Kaysie! I trust that my heart would be surrendered to God's leading so that all I do and say would bring honor and glory to His name!

  5. We should make the most of our days! For we will never get them back again!

  6. Hey kaysie! sorry I haven't commented in a while....I was just catching up on some of your posts and wanted to let you know that I still love your blog...thanks for this post on redeeming the's so important to remember this truth!

  7. So true...and exactly where I must fight to be!
