Thursday, September 4, 2008

Alabaster Heart: Ashley

I am honored to introduce another inspiring and loving young woman for you to get to know and be encouraged by. I know you will be encouraged by her writings just as I was. Enjoy!


My name is Ashley, and I’m fifteen years old. I’m a rising sophomore at a public high school in Georgia where I’ve lived all my life. I thought and prayed about this a lot and I feel that God is leading me to become a teacher, specifically to special needs children. It’s something I’m passionate about and have spent a lot of time volunteering with these kids and I love it. I’m also interested in the medical research side of this, however I’m continuing to listen and pray about this. I’m also a bookworm and read in most every spare minute. I also enjoy writing and hope to spend more time doing that. I enjoy being challenged, I love kids, and most importantly God is and will be the center of my life no matter what.


1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?

I was raised in churches and accepted Jesus into my life at a young age but it wasn’t until I was 11 that I let down some barriers I didn’t know I had that my faith became real to me in the sense that I was thirsty for God and I understand that I could trust him no matter what. It’s a long story, but although I was raised in the church and accepted it. I didn’t grow up in what you would consider a Christian home. I never saw that life lived out at home where I was most of the time so I thought believing was all that I needed to do. When I “discovered” God, I realized I needed to live out my belief all the time, and I began to contemplate how amazing what Jesus did for you and me was. I was able to give God my problems at home, my fears, etc and in return I got this amazing peace and my faith became so much richer and deeper. Although I mess up, and sometimes forget to put God first I know He is always there and there is power in His word and in prayer. I’m really involved in my church and its youth group. And now my family has started going to church together more often. I can’t really explain all that he has done but I’m no longer afraid knowing that I walk with my Savior.

2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation?

I used to become really worried and stressed easily. As a little girl I was afraid of not being liked or loved. I tried to take responsibility for problems around me. Since my salvation I no longer do that. I am able to give it to God and walk with confidence knowing that He loves me. That in turn has touched everything I do. I was able to begin using the gifts God gave me rather than being afraid I wasn’t good enough at it. It’s made me a more loving and compassionate person.

3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus?

His love and compassion.

4) What do you feel God's purpose for your life is?

As stated above, teaching, and I also desire very much to be a Godly wife and mother, but most of all just that I seek Him and His will in everything I do.

5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman?

It’s hard for me to show love when I’m unsure of somebody’s reaction. When I’m not sure how they will react (ie in anger) I tend to make myself scarce and then harbor anger at them and myself. God has been showing me I need to show love anyway and draw strength from him. It’s worked especially in the relationship with my mom!

6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else?

Mrs. Kim, she was one of my conformation leaders. Once I began my new walk with Christ she was one of the first people I saw living out her faith. I loved not only her insight and guidance, but also the joy she had in Christ and in everything. She was a great role model for me and encouraged me so much.

7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God?

I make it a point to pray at least once a day, and then right before bed I read a chapter in the bible. The next day, sometime in the morning, I read it again and then right down scriptures from the chapter that caught my attention. Then later I write down my thoughts and explanation of the passage. I have a bible notebook where I keep this stuff. Sometimes when other things come up I have to move things around but I try my best to at least read the chapter and reflect. 

8 ) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say?

Keep your eyes on God and be sure to seek God’s will in your life, especially God’s time schedule, because God’s plan for you is greater than yours could ever be.

9) What do you do to entertain yourself?

Read, write, knit, volunteer, spend time with friends, sing in my churches choir (we’re currently on a break for summer).

10) What are some of your favorite books?

 Well I love all of Karen Kingsbury’s books I have read which are almost all of them. I love books by Robin Lee Hatcher, and Robin Jones Gunn. I enjoy the left behind series, the bible (of course! :), Lori Wick, Terry Blackstock, Beverly Lahaye. In addition many of the star wars books. I recently finished a good book by Jerry B. Jenkins called "though none go with me" as well. This is mostly authors but the books (even just some) would take a long time to list!

11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day?

Smile or do something that is pleasing or helpful to those around me.

12) What is your favorite bible verse?

Matthew 4:4. It reminds me just how important praying and reading the Bible is.

13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs)

Now that is tough- I love so many. I guess I would say Steven Curtis Chapman because his songs always make me think and help me connect to God and I like listening to songs that do that for me rather than are meaningless.

 A Few Favorite songs- Dive- SCC (Steven Curtis Chapman), Great Adventure (SCC), Average girl – Barlow girl, Resurrection – Nicole sponberg, Harder than the first time – Barlow Girl, Open the eyes of my heart, Heart of worship, Let it rise, Love of Christ, I’ll fly away, and most stuff by Jeremy camp

14) Can you describe yourself in one word?


15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ)

"A woman's heart should be so close to God that a man should have to chase Him to find her." (C.S. Lewis) 

16) What is your favorite thing about this blog?

The fact that I can learn so much about my spiritual walk from someone who’s been there, and that I can see God working through it.

Ashley, thank you for taking the time to do this interview for us. I was blessed by your heart for the Lord and honesty about life. You are a blessing to many...

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