Monday, September 1, 2008

Blog... to teach

In honor of my one year blogoversary, I have decided to do a small series on why I blog based on an excellent article by Abraham Piper. Even though the article was written to persuade pastors to blog, I have found the reasons and principles to be true for any Christian blogger.

Another important reason I blog is to teach:
A blog is a perfect place for those 30-second nuggets of truth that come in your devotions or while you’re reading the newspaper. You may never write a full-fledged article about these brief insights or preach a whole sermon, but via your blog, your people can still learn from them just like you did.

Mr. Piper is right. My blog is pretty much completely comprised of these little "nuggets of truth" the Lord shows me in my quiet time. Some things are just too good not to share! In addition, as I mentioned in my last post in this series, blogging helps you formulate complete thoughts. It aids in taking a simple reflection to a fully considered and well-rounded thought.

All Scripture is useful for teaching (2 Timothy 3:16), thus one of the best things to blog about is Scripture, if your purpose is to teach. I have never considered myself much of a "teacher", but the Lord is a great Teacher. I only relate what He teaches me. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another." (Col. 3:16) You'll also be surprised what you learn.


  1. This is so very true!...

    Happy Blogoversary! :D

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your "nuggets of truth" with us, Kaysie!! I appreciate it!


  3. Your welcome, Julia. I consider it a blessing... :)
    Blessings to you too!
