Saturday, January 5, 2008

To Love and Obey

I have lately been meditating upon the great call in a Christian's life for obedience - and it's relation to our position as Christ's bride.

It is true we find our joy, security, and satisfaction in Christ's abundant love for us, but I think we often times neglect the serious reality of the great commitment and cost there is to follow Jesus. While we adore Christ's love, and how He proved His love, we need to be reminded that our love for Christ has, or should have, a proof too. True love always has evidence.

Have you ever met someone who claims to follow Christ, and even boasts, "Oh I love Jesus!", but as you observe their life, it is void of the fruit of the Spirit's presence and genuine faith? What is lacking? And how can we avoid shallow devotion to Christ?

 Love and Obedience

Love coupled with obedience is the secret to a fulfilled, powerful, and fruitful walk with Christ. Our minds have been so polluted by the world's sinful standard that we have lost the earnest truth of loving Christ and what it looks like in our daily walk. The world would have us believe that love is based on mere feelings. God would have us to believe that love is based on truth, commitment, and obedience.

This is not to say that feelings are always irrelevant and wrong; only that when our feelings are not based on the truth and obedience of the love, we can err. This fault can be traced back to the bountiful amount of divorced couples. The apparent and sad motivation for many divorces is, "I just don't feel in love with them anymore." The simple truth is - love is not all about the feelings. Marriage is about commitment, faithfulness, and endurance. What happened to obedience to our vows, our lovers, and our God?

 Christ's Love and Obedience

When we look at Christ's life - His perfect life lived - we see that His definition of love is quite the opposite of our warped perception of love. He was a perfect lover; meaning He loved perfectly. When I read about His communion with the Father, how perfectly and purely He loved God, my heart is renewed to a flawless outlook. His love wasn't grounded in what He happened to be feeling at the moment. Think back to the garden of Gethsemane. The cross was hard, dreadfully hard, but He was obedient to the point of death to His Father.

"So that the world may know that I [Jesus] love the Father, I do exactly as the Father commanded Me." John 14:31

Jesus proved His love for God by obeying His Father's voice, doing exactly as God commended Him, "He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Phil. 2:8)

Jesus lived as our example showing us that obedience, especially when it is hard and difficult for us, is how we prove to ourselves if we really love God. Our daily lives should reveal that we love Jesus. People should see in us a life lived in obedience that testifies of the love we speak of for Christ.

Loving Jesus is so much more than shallow Sunday prayers and fish-shaped decals on the bumper of our vehicles. It's about obedience to the God who loves passionately, forgives abundantly, and requires enormously a life lived holy and blameless - obedient to Him.

"He who has my commandments and keeps [obeys] them is the one who loves Me; and He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and disclose Myself to him." John 14:21

"If anyone loves Me, he will keep [obey] My Word; and My Father will love him, and We will come and make Our abode with him." John 14:23

"But thanks be to God that though you were slaves to sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." Romans 6:17-18 

 The Bride's Call to Obedience

In our passionate love relationship with Jesus, we must accept the call and command to live obedient lives to and for Christ. A bride of Jesus is not her own - she belongs to Another. She is committed, surrendered, and obedient to her Groom in all things. Those who look to her see plainly the evidence of her love for Him by her obedient lifestyle and nature. 

The calling to be a bride of Christ demands abundantly more than fleeting emotions and shallow loyalty; it is arduous and demanding, yet fulfilling and rewarding. Because as we kneel before the altar, we vow to adore and commit. We promise to love and obey.


  1. Oh, Kaysie! This is wonderful, and it's exactly what I needed to hear! I especially liked the part about not relying on our feelings. So many times I tend to rely on my feelings: today I don't FEEL in love with Jesus, so I must not be. Maybe I've done something wrong. (Well, sometimes I have, but I'm talking about the times when I haven't.) Thanks for reminding me that my love for Jesus isn't based on my's based on my obedience(ouch!).

  2. Hi Kaysie!
    What a very important point you covered in this post! So often I (and I believe many other girls; it's a tendency, being emotional creatures:-)) depend on how I feel to determine what I do and how I react to people. This is wrong -- I need to think of my comittment to Christ first -- and the feelings will follow. As I read in "A Christian's Secret to a Happy Life" (1890), getting our will in line with God's will lead to happy emotions -- but if emotion comes first, then you make some foolish decisions.

    And since we are practicing this as Christ's bride, we will be much more successful as our future husband's brides, because we won't depend on our emotions to determine our love for them.

    Wonderfully written, as usual! :-)

  3. What a wonderful post! Love is much more than a feeling, it's an action! And we have no better example of obedient love than in Christ. I'm so thankful for His perfect model.


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    In Christ Alone,
    Laura Hines
