Monday, January 14, 2008

A Heart Hidden in Christ


"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her." --Author Uncertain

As most of you know, I have this quote posted on the sidebar of this blog. It has a beautiful meaning and vision to me personally - and I think to every woman who reads it, for two reasons:

1) Our hearts long to be hidden (safe, adored, secure) in something or someone.

2) And the thought of a man seeking God to know our heart is so tender and precious, and would leave any woman feeling extremely loved and cherished.

I would like to discuss each reason in a little more depth.

Yes, our hearts long to be hidden in someone who will protect, love and cherish us immensely for who we are and who we are becoming. But to many women, this quest to be hidden in someone ends in broken hearts, consuming emptiness, and wasted lives.

Take a look at the culture around you. What are most young women "hiding" themselves in? Boyfriends? Appearance? Clothes? Diets? Drugs? Sadly, the answer is yes. Sinful human nature will lead you right to these for satisfaction and happiness. A woman's identity in this world is based on her man, body, and status. If you don't have these, you will stand out - in a negative way.

As a result of this unbiblical mindset, young girls are cast into the world scrambling to be hidden in something just to fit in, and to find their own happiness. How cruelly they are deceived when a boyfriend doesn't make you feel safe, your image changes, and at the end of the day you are still fighting that awful, gnawing hunger for something more in the core of your soul.

Is there a better way? Can women be hidden is something that really satisfies? YES! Sinful woman needs a Savior - and that is Jesus Christ.

"Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God." Col. 3:2-3

Dying to the world and it's ways, we can set our hearts on Someone else. Self has died - and life is hidden in Christ! This word "hidden" can also be translated "planted", like a seed that is buried in the earth. How astounding that we who have died to sin are like a seed, dead in itself; yet in Christ hidden and buried we become alive and fruitful! We are safe and secure in the refuge of Christ, and our hearts are finally at peace and satisfied in His transforming and fulfilling presence. Our hearts are hidden in Christ alone and this is where we belong.

But we must be prepared to realize that we will not "fit in" by the world's standards. This quest for a hidden heart in Christ results in a set apart lifestyle that is lived differently than those who are in the world. We don't (shouldn't) act, dress, talk, or behave like the world, because we don't seek the things the world seeks. We seek that which is above - that is Jesus our Lord and the virtues He bestows.

And what blessings this hidden life brings! We have Christ and His Word to comfort and encourage, urging us to press on, stay hidden in Him, and live for Him; conforming to His image and persevering in our sufferings. It is in this set apart life lived for Jesus alone that we embrace the hidden heart and it's pleasures forevermore.

Our hearts seek no one else for the happiness we find in Jesus. And if it be His will, He blesses us with an earthly man who can represent to us Christ Himself in many ways. For the woman whose heart is truly hidden in Christ is favored to receive a man seeking after God's heart in all his ways - including finding her.

May your heart stay hidden in Jesus.


  1. Well, I guess great minds truly do think alike! I didn't realize you had that Maya Angelou quote on your sidebar - next time you visit my blog, check out my sidebar....I have the same quote!

  2. I love that quote!! Thanks for the encouraging words, Kaysie! Love you, girl! Keep shining for Him!

  3. Hey Sweet Sis,
    Very thought provoking and inspiring! Truly our lives
    are like "seeds" and without being planted in the fertile
    soil of Christ, we dry up and die! I love you and thanks
    for the wonderful post!

  4. Touchofglory, wow, that is funny how we have the same quote! Don't you just love it? I am enjoying your blog! :)

    Allison, thank you for your sweet encouragement. Glad you liked the quote; I think it particularly speaks to us single ladies - to be so hidden in Christ, and waiting for a man seeking the heart of God even on our behalf, is a encouragement for us. Love you too, Allison!

    Courtney, my amazing sis, I was so excited to find out about the "seed/planting/buried" angle to the verse in Colossians! It helped me picture the meaning so much better. Glad you liked it! Love you.

  5. Wow - that was excellent Kaysie! What a beautiful way to expound on such a neat quote. Thanks for the insights!

  6. What a great post! Thank you!
    It is so true - how I desire to be hid in Jesus Christ and to fully come to the point where I find that Jesus is my all in all in everything I could dream and desire!

  7. Amen, sister. I just love your heart for your sisters in Christ... not to mention your beautiful writing. I really needed this reminder, too, having been struggling with anxiety and wanting to hide myself from everyone. I need to realize that my true hiding place is in Him alone.

  8. Kasie, thank you so much... I am glad your heart was blessed by the quote! I just love it. :)

    Sara, I too desire to find that Jesus is my all in all. Glad to meet another beautiful young woman seeking after God's heart!
    Oh...and sorry for the little mix up about which blog you commented on! Just one of my "moments"! Thanks for visiting and making time to comment - it means so much!

    Anna, thank you too, sister, for your heart for others. I enjoy reading your insights, and am always blessed by your honesty and humility in writing to the world. :) Keep it up!
    Also, I too struggle with wanting to hide myself from the world, and God is helping me a lot with this. Like you said, I need to realize that my hiding place is in Him. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Amen Kaysie! I'm so happy that there are young girls with such a desire... The Lord is our hiding place and there is no better place to be than in Him. I know it can be hard to wait, but it is soooo worth it. God bless you, and may He continue to inspire you through His word and with His love.

  10. This is a beautiful quote... however, it's not from Angelou. It's been going around the Internet via email, attached to a poem also inaccurately attributed to Maya Angelou. The poem in the email has been altered from the original, which was written in 1988 by Carol Wimmer. I'm working on tracking down the "woman's heart" quote source, because it's beautiful and spot-on! Thanks for your blog.

  11. There has been a lot of confusion about this quote's original author and I am thankful to those who are trying to seek out the truth. I have heard many different names associated with this quote including: Max Lucado, Carol Wimmer (as mentioned above), C. S. Lewis, and, of course, Maya Angelou.
    Let it be known that whoever has penned this beautiful quote has touched many hearts and deserves credit, but if I have failed to put the right name under the quote please know that in my heart God has been glorified and your treasure in heaven is great.

    Anyone else with a different author's name in mind please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks so much for all your insights!

  12. hi there! i love the quote about a woman's heart, but Maya Angelou didn't write it. i've got that quote in my email, and i think max lucado wrote it. have a blessed day!!

  13. Hey,

    I just received an email with this quote, and was doing a little searching myself. Here are some links I found that give credit to the original author.

    "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her."
    — Max Lucado

    Notice the slight difference in wording.

    Hope this helps.
    Have a nice day!


  14. Oh my goodness....I have been totally blessed by this blog. God does nothing on accident. I know he led me here to this blog, as I am facing so much of what you are talking about and I have been in pursuit of how to do this God's way. It was the whole Alabaster Box that caught me. The Lord showed me that story one morning and I totally did not get why he wanted me to read and meditate on it. Let me just tell you that it now has such a significant meaning to me that I am just in awe of how God works. Anyway, thank you for this. May the Lord continually bless you! Keep it up..please!

  15. Not gonna lie, I was impressed by this blog. I hope more young ladies continue to come to see these truths as God is faithful to finish out the work He has started in you. Stay diligent, and seek Him.
    God Bless!

  16. hey there...
    great to have an inspirational site for young women. you are right, the pressures and measures of today are just to out of keel with God and the life he wants for us. I found hope in this although I am 35 and so in this context not 'a young woman'. However, these words are true whether you are single or married - make no mistake - your rooting needs to be in exactly the same place even if a man has already found you... it is not right, nor possible to find your energy, joy and drive only from a man. I am married to a wonderful man who is also a christian but he suffers from depression. My heart longs to be rooted in him, adored, safe, cherished... all the stuff in a girl's heart and it just ain't possible!!! God is call ing me back to being rooted in Him and the more I go 'But...' the more it hurts... And so just to say 2 things - thanks for the reminder and women of all ages - there should only be one man in whom you have your fundamental needs met and that is Jesus.. All else is a bonus but not to be dependent on..
    Love and peace.

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