Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back With A Purpose

AwardHello Everyone!

I am back online after a great week of rest, repentance, and refocusing. The Lord is so amazingly gracious in His dealings with me, and my mind is renewed to use this blog as a tool He has given me to share the gospel of the kingdom and spread His fame across the world. The cry of my heart is to glorify my Lord with every day He gives me, and to have an absolute dependance on His grace and Word. Thank you everyone for your kind comments, e-mails, and cards during this time - the Lord has greatly blessed my life with your friendships. Thank you all.

I was also very humbled to find that the ladies at Handmaidens With A Mission had awarded me with the "Blogging with a Purpose" award! Thank you so much!

Now, as is the custom, when you receive an award you must pass it on to five people. Here are the blogs I have chosen... it was so hard to name just five!

1) How Great is His Faithfulness

2) A Quill and Inkwell

3) Because He Lives

4) Simply Sactified

5) Only One Life

God bless all your efforts and continue to glorify the Lord as you blog.

I should have a "normal" post soon, so check back soon!


  1. Wow, thank you so much Kaysie! I'm stunned actually that I would get this...I think my blog was only created a little over a week ago! Thank you so much, and may God continue to glorify himself through you! -Rebekah

  2. Hi Kaysie!
    I am honored and blessed that you would pick my blog for an award! How sweet of you! I was so surprised to see your comment and am very blessed by your friendship and your work. Thank you so much!

    I have a question -- you can email me if you want -- do you get more publicity with your blog on Wordpress than on Blogger? And on Wordpress, is it easier to get all the pretty pictures and sidebar fillers that you have on both your blogs? I keep meaning to ask you.

    Thanks again and God bless!
    In Him,

  3. Kaysie,

    It is so wonderful to see you back on here! You were in my thoughts each and every day--that can only be the Lord.

    I am honored and humbled that you gave that award to me! My purpose is to glorify God and I hope that comes across!

    I look forward to reading your posts once again!

    Love in Christ,

  4. Oh, Kaysie, I just noticed that you honored me with the "blogging with a purpose" award! Thank you so much!
    Now I can't wait to pass it on to five others!

    I'm so happy you had a wonderful week being alone with our Lord and Saviour and being refreshed and renewed! Praise His Name! Blessings always!

  5. Kaysie,
    I am so glad you are back! It really took a lot for you to take a break. Isn't amazing how clogged our lives get and we get completely overwhelmed about nothing? Congratulations on your award as well! Your sister in Christ, Morgan

  6. I am very humbled and count it as a honor. I really do not know what to say, only that the Lord we serve is beyond Amazing, beyond Great, beyond human understanding!! How blessed I am to be HIS, and to be surrounded by friends near and afar that serve and love Him, who can lift me up when I am down. Pray when I have a need and rejoice with me in the goodness of his Love and Mercy.

    The song, "Be Thou My Vision" brings love overflowing in my heart for him. I am so blessed with Life, I am alive and am serving Him. He has a plan for my life, that extends beyond right now. I am in total awe of him!

    May the Lord bless and keep you my dear in his loving and carring arms. May your day be blessed with esp. safety each and every day you here, striving to serve Him alone!
