Thursday, January 17, 2008

White As Snow

snow trees   When I woke up this morning, God had a delightful surprise waiting for me... Snow! Yes, our whole yard was wrapped in it's pure white blanket. I am always mesmerized by snow; I could simply sit and stare at it for hours. It is amazing how the bland canvas of winter can be transformed into a wonderland of soft and comforting masterpiece. It is one of God's captivating wonders.

God began to use this milky wonder to quiet and soften my heart to feel His guiding presence. What a testimony this snow is to the longings in my heart for sanctification. As I had mentioned in my last post, God has been teaching me a lot pertaining to sanctification in my life. 

I love the definition of sanctification: to make clean, render pure; to consecrate, devote, set apart from a common use to a sacred use, to regard and venerate as holy. I appreciate that definition because it beautifully describes what I want to become; clean and pure, devoted and holy, set apart for a sacred use. Snow is a precious reminder of being sanctified - this advancing work of the Spirit in our hearts.

Listen to David's prayer in Psalm 51:

"Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom. Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow ... Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." verses 6-7, 10 

Is this your heart's cry today? David is such a great example for us to see a heart abandoned and surrendered to God. He wanted purity; and he longed for an unstained heart. He wanted to be white as snow in the eyes of the Lord.

God desires (and demands) us to be white as snow in His sight. He wants our hearts to be pure, and to live holy lives. Listen to His pleading voice:

"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be a white as snow; though they be like crimson, they will be like wool. If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land." Isaiah 1:18-19

"By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." Hebrews 10:10

Because of Jesus blood shed for our sins, we have been made pure and clean - white as snow. He has and is sanctifying us to become more like He is; and He is setting us apart for His sacred use.

May you be blessed this day, my Snow White sisters.
backyard snow

This is the view from our back yard... isn't it beautiful?!


  1. "As white as snow..." I love that passage of scripture in Isaiah!

    Enjoy your snow! :-)

  2. Thank you for reminding us we are the snowwhite brides of Christ. =) I enjoy both of your websites so much, just what my heart is thirsting for at this point in my life. Beautiful picture of the snow!


  3. I love the new look, :-) I wish I had enough time to re-read this post and just ponder all of its meanings! You have such a gift Kaysie! The gift to write for HIM! Keep it up, you are blessing so many!! :D

    Thanks for you prayers, for Dad....AND for me!! I am striving to not get stressed...but lean always on the Joy of the Lord, where TRUE strength is found. :-) I am walking each day in faith...its weird, how life is sometimes...unexpected things happen and all your plans might or might not come to pass but life is still good, because GOD is good! :-) I have learned to just look at today; not at tomorrow, but today, work at today don't worry about tomorrow...that is the only way to go. And how I am able to have my school and family life combined.

    Um, sorry I just about wrote a post here as a comment. :D I am glad to 'know' you through blogging world and May God bless and Keep you miss Kaysie in the Palm of HIS hand! May your face shine with the Peace of Christ today, may your eyes glow with Love for HIM, and may anyone that see's you this afternoon, be drawn by the HOLY SPIRT that flows from you! :)

  4. I love snow as well, but sadly, we don't get it in southern Texas. God is SUCH a great God; He displays His glory and gives us so many reminders (such as seeing snow and reminding us of how He purifies and cleanses us) through daily things! Thanks for the reminders!

  5. What beautiful snow, Kaysie. Enjoy it for me, as mine has melted.

    I know what you mean. The Lord has used the past few weeks to strip some things from my heart so that I may grow in Him more. It isn't easy, but there is a sense of peace now. I realize the pain and purification He takes us through is worth the end result!

  6. Kasie, I did enjoy our snow... sadly, it all melted the next morning. Oh well, good thing our redemption and purification doesn't melt! :)

    Rebekah, I am sooo glad that you are enjoying my blogs - to God be the glory... and I think He is being glorified in your life and hunger for Him. Thank you for your encouragement to me. Be blessed!

    Cattleman's Daughter, you don't know how much your comments have encouraged me to continue writing for Christ! You too have a great gift used for the Lord in your humility and grace, resting in the arms of our Master.
    Continue to stay close to Jesus: He will never let you go.
    I will continue to pray for you and your Dad - I know this must be so hard on you. May you be blessed this day!

    Allison, thanks for your comment! God is amazing; just how He can create the heavens, earth, and snow, and yet is intimately acquainted with all our ways. (Ps. 139) He is amazing!
    Maybe God will give you some snow too! Thanks again for your comment.

    Ella, I will be praying for you with your "purification process"... God many times must refine us with trials and hardships to purify use for His purposes.
    Like you said, it is definitely worth it in the end.
    (I recently wrote a post on "refining purity" on my other blog, )
    Have a blessed day, my friend.

  7. kaysie,
    you have done it again Halleluyah!!!......great revelations, now this one is amazing! thanks. i wish we had snow here in uganda but we don't. 'white as snow' that is my desire, to be pure and sanctified through and through,

    thanks my dear sister for this beautiful message, i will walk with it today and for the rest of the year.
    thanks for praying for us here in uganda....God is doing amazing things.


  8. I too love snow. It makes everything look so forgiven. Great post Kaysie, what a gift you have to write. God bless you sister.

  9. onlyonelife4jesus@wordpress.comJanuary 23, 2008 at 8:21 AM

    Hey Kaysie, I'm a friend of Allison's, and I've been reading both this website and inlovewithchrist. Would it be alright if I put links to both sites on my website? It's not quite up and running yet, but I wanted to make sure that was ok with you. Thanks!

  10. My sweet Christian friend,
    Today I visited you site and was blessed by your words and the music. I used this music as I was doing my work for Christ. I was shown by the Holy Spirit that you have a pure heart for God and Christ. Today I was asked the question, how can a person know if they are in Christs hands? I used your site to pass a kind, pure, and gentle word to the person. Please don't get discouraged if huge numbers aren't registered at your site. The people who are coming here are lead here my Jesus, and you are making your mark on the Lord's heart. If you ever get time I would invite you to my site to receive a free book I wrote that is blowing people away. The book is entitled, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" It is an in-depth look at Bible prophecy and current events. You can download the book for free at my site or e-mail me at with the e-mail address given at my site. If you would like a free hard copy let me know and I will send you one. Just leave me the address you want it sent to. Once again, God bless and thank you for a wonderful peaceful site.
    Pastor Frank DiMora

  11. I am sorry, I forgot to give you the site where you can receive the free prophecy book. Go to

  12. Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post... nice! I love your blog. :) Cheers! Sandra. R.
