Saturday, January 12, 2008

I want to know You more...

24919876Is this the desire of your heart today? Above all else, do you long for more of Jesus in your life?

As I was praying and reading this morning, God used the words of a devotional I am reading through this year to rekindle the desire to know Jesus even more in my life.

I know I have already recently written a post on Knowing Jesus, but I think this subject can never be over-discussed or written about! And I would like to encourage you again to recognize the crucial need in our hearts to truly know Jesus, especially as His adoring bride. We should know Him better than anyone else.


Taken from the devotional Daily In His Presence by Andrew Murray.

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

"The knowledge of God is essential for the spiritual life. It is life eternal. The knowledge spoken of here is no intellectual knowledge received from others, nor the product of your own thinking, but a living knowledge wherein God makes Himself know to us.

How is it that we so seldom experience the life-giving power of truly knowing God? Because we do not give God time to reveal Himself to us. When we pray, we think that we know well enough how to speak to God. We forget that one of the most important principles of prayer is to be silent before Him that He may reveal Himself.

God desires to manifest His presence by causing it to rest upon us and work within us. To know God as a personal and loving God is to know real life.

Brother Lawrence, who had a desire to know God, can be quoted as an example. Various prayer books were given to the monk, but he replied that it would not help to pray if he did not know the God to whom he was speaking. And he believed that God would reveal Himself. He spent long hours in quiet adoration in order to become conscious of God's presence, nearness, and sustaining power.

That is the secret. As the rising sun holds the promise of light for the rest of the day, so your quiet time spent waiting on God will be the promise of His presence and power throughout your day."


I pray your heart was blessed by these words and encouraged to spent some quiet and restful time with Jesus, seeking to truly know Him even more.


  1. ... it is time OUR LIFE becomes a prayer ...

  2. So true! All too often when I pray it is me that is talking.Nothing wrong with that,but I need to give God the time to speak to me as well!
    I don't think it is neccesary to pray for hours,not that it would be bad of course,but you can pray all day,talk to God whatever you are doing.But we need to listen to God too.
    Thanks Kaysie !

  3. I certainly am blessed and encouraged! Thanks for the great post; it's wonderful to be reminded of and thing on these things. I know for myself, I definitely want to know God more; I want a hunger and a desire in my heart to always thirst for more of Him, and to know Him better. God bless!

  4. Our sermon was on "how to pray" today. I realized that I need to focus more on what God is saying to me when I pray rather than jumpiing right into my list of needs and wants. "Be still and know that I am God." That's what I'm striving for!

  5. Hallelujah Lass, yes, it is so important to have a listening spirit in our praying - even while we pray during our daily activities. I too fall short in this area! Glad you were encourged!

    Kasie, I am so glad you were encouraged. It is a great joy to my heart to see other young women desiring to know Jesus more! Those who seek will find. :)

    Touchofglory, another great thought! I too tend to jump right into my "petitions" while praying rather than being still to listen to God. Thanks for your comment!

  6. Kaysie,

    Thanks for this great word! Interesting how we're learning about this very thing in school: praise and thank God first before launching into all your requests.

    I love the comment you made: "We should know Him better than anyone else". Hmm...that means that we've got to spend time in His presence just listening to what He wants to tell us! :)

    P.S. Love the new blog design!

  7. Hey, nice post. Thought I'd let you know of two things:

    1. I've got a website dedicated to helping people know Jesus personally and deepen their relationship with him. It's at

    2. I've just recently released a book about intimacy with God called "Finding Home: A Parable of Kingdom Life." You can check it out on my website. It's available on Amazon and even on the Target website of all places!

    God bless, and keep lovin' Jesus!

    Brad Huebert
    Lead Pastor,
    Dalhousie Community Church
