Monday, January 7, 2008

Resting in God

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man that carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do no fret; it leads only to evil doing. For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land."  Psalms 37:7-9   Rest: quiet; repose; a state free of motion or disturbance; peace; a pause; to be quiet or still; to be undisturbed. ~ Webster 1828


This post concludes the discussion on the verses in Psalms 37:3-9. I hope you have enjoyed reading my insights into one of my favorite Psalms, and that your heart was encouraged and renewed through the amazing truths found in these verses. God is continually teaching me deeper implications to apply to my own life, heart and mind from this Psalm, and really all Scripture in general, and I am overjoyed to be able to share them with you.


Moving into the command to rest in God, I find that this message is greatly needed especially in this culture and society where "rest" is extinct, work is abused and immoderate, worry is prevalent, and distractions are overwhelming. Our bodies and spiritual lives are malnourished from the lack of true rest in God. We have lost the pure and beneficial art of repose and rest, which is desperately needed in our physical and spiritual lives, and is commanded by God in Scripture.


Just as our bodies need time to slow down and sleep, our hearts need time for reflection and quietness, so that we can be fully aware and re-focused in our personal journeys with Christ. To have time to contemplate our previous words spoken, dealings with others, status of our relationship with Christ, and attitude in life is valuable and prescribed by God for our benefit. Our souls need rest and undisturbed time.


In the moments of quiet time spent with God, we are better able to hear the whispers of His Spirit and the clarified sounds He has created around us: the birds singing, children's laughter, your own breathing. In these moments we realize more that God is near, His presence is with us and within us.


"Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10


Like the tempest winds provoking the variable sea, our aggressive lives cause confusion and disturbance in our spirits that consume our passion for God and the caring for others. We struggle to remain afloat. Worry diverts our minds from the empowering effect of meditation on God and His Word. Life becomes suffocating.


But we need to listen and obey the words that our good Master is calling out to us - "Hush, be still..." (Mark 4:39)


Worry, or fretting, only causes harm. When our minds deviate from the assurance of God's sovereignty and purpose and become engulfed in the snares of worry and anxiety, we lose the precious rest that comes from a heart at peace and secure in the love and supremacy of God. If we trust, delight, commit, and rest in God (as we have studied in these verses), they envelop our souls and dictate our actions and thoughts to test if we are pleasing God.


"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." Psalms 62:5


Another important dimension to enjoying true rest is finding that rest in God alone. Many attempts at "rest" can only leave us empty, and our souls exhausted from searching. We oftentimes try to fill ourselves with that which does not sincerely satisfy. We must go to God to find the rest our souls desire. One of my favorite quotes from Saint Augustine says this:

"Our heart is restless, until it rests in Thee..."


How true and revealing. Our heart of hearts needs, craves, fellowship and rest in God alone, and we find that sweet rest in God's presence, drawing near in prayer, and feasting on the Word.


My friend, may you find rest for your souls in God alone, making time in everyday for rest and peace, to reflect and re-focus, to abide and adore in your Creator and Sustainer. Remember that Satan uses many tactics to distract you from being devoted to Jesus. In any way he can, he will uses the duties of life, appointments and meetings, phone calls and e-mails, exhaustion and piles of laundry and dirty dishes to distract you from the rest God calls you to have in Him.


Listen to His voice. He's calling for you to come away with Him for awhile, sit at His feet, and breathe in His transforming presence. Run to His arms for the rest your soul needs and craves.

He's waiting for you. Rest in God.


  1. Kaysie,
    Another great post! Resting in God is always something I need to work on! Thank you Kaysie for the wonderful and encouraging post!
    I love you girl!

  2. Girl, it's almost like you read my two posts from yesterday and wrote this just for me! I've been worrying and fretting over silly stuff lately. My new word -'s what I'm searching for. Thanks for the great blogging!
    Sisters in Christ,

  3. Really great post, Kaysie! I enjoyed it so much! It's really true.

  4. This is a great post. Everyone needs to spend time alone with God, and cast their cares upon Him. Jesus Himself says not to worry many times. Thanks for sharing :)


  5. Kaysie! WOW! I was just looking over my blog posts and found yours and decided to take a look at your blog! OMG girl! This could not have been a better time for this post! Ps. 37 is MY chapter too. God continually takes me back there all the time and reveals more and more to me every time! It's amazing! The 4 posts about it that you did were amazing and sooo encouraging! Thank you for letting God speak through you! :)

  6. Thank you SO much for this post Kaysie!! I love the verses you included- they have become very dear to me. I am going to come back and re-read some of what you wrote...there are so many treasures in this post!


  7. Thanks for the encouragement and thoughts, Kaysie!

  8. Greetings fellow stay at home daughter,
    I just wanted to say thankyou for posting a comment on my blog, Perennial Pioneer. I don't get very many responces on it, and it kinda saddens me. Oh well, you can't always get everything in this world. Just serve the Lord, and He will direct your paths.

    Anyway, God bless you, and I would like to put your blog on my blog roll on both Perennial Pioneer, and Mayden Fair, if that is ok.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Laura H.

  9. Kaysie, this was good. Rest...I have a big problem with being a worrier. God knows all; I just have to leave it to Him.

    Hope you are having a great day, my friend!

  10. Thank you all ladies for your amazing encouragement! I am so humbled that the Lord is speaking through me and touching your hearts... God is good.

    May your souls find rest in the Lord. :)

    God bless you all!


  11. I so needed that post. I'm sitting in a public library, my eyes red from lack of sleep, and I'm tired from hours of studying French... and yet the instant I'm reminded that rest can be found in God I feel refreshed. I am so happy this is where we can find our rest... not in a bottle, not in a health club or sauna... just in God... thanks for the reminder. Blessings
