Friday, January 4, 2008

Alabaster Heart: Morgan

It is my pleasure to introduce to you a beautiful new friend of mine. May her life lived for Jesus encourage your heart and inspire your walk with Christ.

My name is Morgan and I am 17 (almost 18) years old. I have been homeschooled my entire life and will graduate this spring. I live on a farm in SW Ohio with my 2 younger siblings and parents. I have been a dancer for 13 years and currently I am the teacher's assistant for the 6-8 grade class at one of hte studios I attend. I like designing web pages in my spare time and I also take photography courses from the New York Institute of Photography. I plan to receive my Associate degree (unsure of what it will be in.) Most likely, though, majoring in computer security, computer forensics, or business. I also want to continue with my photography and hope to work using my degree to save money in order to have my own photography studio. I then want to get married and have a large in the woods in a log cabin. (smile) I also like caring for kids, volunteering wherever needed, taking walks in the woods, and meeting new people. I hope to raise children that will carry on Christ's legacy and be a light in a very dark world.


1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?  


I was raised in church my entire life and accepted Christ at the age of 7 or 8. When I was 12, I rededicated my life to Him at a Christian dance convention. 


2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation? 


Wanting to be Christ-like. Sometimes I think that something is right because I've heard that it is for so long. When I stop and think about it, I ask myself, "Is it Christ-like? Am I acting like Him?" If I'm not, I try to change right away and become who He wants me to be.


3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus? 


Oh my goodness...His forgiveness. It really does  stretch as far as the East is from the West!  


4) What do you feel God's purpose for your life is? 


In general as a Christian, my purpose is to reach all those around me with the love of God and bring others to Christ. As for Christ's personal plan for my life, I'm not sure yet. I've always felt a strong call toward missions, but am unsure if it means out-of-country, or just reaching those around me! I know for a fact that He wants me to get married become a Godly wife, all the while raising Godly children. 


5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman? 


I am a peace keeper. Sometimes I do not always stand up for what is right in order to keep the peace. I think that it comes from our 'politically correct' culture and I try to break away from that. I know sometimes it isn't easy, and we can extend forgiveness and grace towards others, but we also need to stand up for Christ and our Biblical values...even if it makes people uncomfortable.


6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else? 


I have two: my Mom and my Bible study leader, Mrs. Landis.


7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God? 

Memorize scripture... specifically prayers.


8 ) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say?


 Make your actions and your words match according to God's Word.  


9) What do you do to entertain yourself? 


Ha ha...I live in the middle of no where! We make our own fun! I take pictures and edit them. Our family likes to watch Hallmark movies together and my sister and I like to do DancePraise2. (Christian version of DanceDance Revolution) I like to read craft magazines and dream about things I'll never make. (smile) And I like going to youth group activities and hanging out with friends and their families.


10) What are some of your favorite books? 


I don't really like to read...I think it's because of all the Christian romance novels I read my freshman year. ;) There are a few books that I LOVE~ "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "When My Name Was Keoko."


11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day? 


Go to sleep!


12) What is your favorite bible verse? 


"Let my speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that I might know how I ought to answer everyone." -Colossians 4:6    Is that hard to live by or what? And I also love " Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you, and you will honor Me. " Psalm 50:15

13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs) 

I like Brandon Heath, Chris Tomlin, Nicole C. Mullen, Across the Sky, Lincoln Brewster (my favorite), and the Glory Revealed CD.  My favorite songs are "I Surrender" by Lincoln Brewster and the hymn "Ancient Words."  I love Lincoln Brewster because he has such great worship songs....especially on his live CD- it makes me feel as if I am there worshipping there with them!


14) Can you describe yourself in one word? 


Random...I  am so random. 


15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ) 


"Walk softly and carry a big stick" for the humor of it... and also, "Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow." Helen Keller


16) What is your favorite thing about this blog? 


The unity amongst us as sisters in Christ and the way Kaysie pulls us all together!


  1. Hey Morgan,

    Just wanted to comment on your beautiful life lived for Jesus... it is beautiful.
    May your heart shared impact the live of countless others, and inspire them to live fully for Christ.

    Thanks again for participating in Alabaster Hearts.


  2. Hey Morgan,
    I loved your profile!!!!! Great job and your heart for the Lord is so beautiful! I can just feel your passion for living a set-apart life for Christ and it is a real encouragement! I love you girl!

  3. Morgan, what a lovely picture. I bet it is a senior one! I especially like your #3. Oh so true!

  4. Wow! Thanks you guys! It was weird to check Kaysie's blog and see myself! Weird...but very cool. (smile) Ella- I think I am going to use the picture as one of my senior photos, but haven't decided yet. Believe it or not, my 13 year old brother took this in our woods by the creek in Nov.. He'd rather be hunting or 4-wheeling than taking photographs, unfortunately. ~Morgan

  5. Kaysie and Morgan-
    I never cease to be amazed by the things I find on your blogs Kaysie. I truly wish that I'd been so focused on Christ when I was your age ladies. I could have avoided a lot of heartaches. Keep living with such a fire for Christ and you will change the world around you!
    Melissa H.

  6. Hey Morgan!
    Wow! I can see Christ shining through you so brightly!
    You seem like such an amazing Christian!
    Thank you for opening up your heart to us, it is so encouraging!
    God bless!

  7. You sound like such a wonderful person! I could tell that just from reading your answers. Great job, Morgan! I totally loved reading your Alabaster Heart!
