Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eyewitnesses of His Majesty

God’s Handiwork


Have you ever had one of those moments when God completely blows your mind with a verse(s) of Scripture?

I had one of those moments today (and I wish they would happen more often), as I read in the book of Psalms of David's realization of God's greatness and majesty, but also His intimacy.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth, who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! ... When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; what is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him? ... O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!" 

How great is it that the God who paints the sunsets, breathed the stars, and commands the ocean's limits is the very same God that thinks and cares for you and me. It is almost more than I can take in...

This knowledge of God's ultimate majesty and intimate delicacy should inspire our hearts to worship and adore Him more - but yet oftentimes I fail to gain a real appreciation of His majesty. My knowledge of His greatness tends to be superficial, because I do not take the time to reflect on His majesty and bow before Him in humble adoration and worship. How I wish every morning my heart awoke in awe and reverence of His greatness and majesty.

"For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods, in whose hand are the depths of the earth, and the peaks of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for it was He who made it, and His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand." (Ps. 95:3-7)

It is not easy to quickly grasp the full meaning and splendor of these verses, so just let them soak in and stir your heart until you feel compelled to bow your heart in humble adoration before the throne of Grace. I have found that when my heart is quiet, and I fully take in the surpassing greatness of who God really is, can I truly bow in genuine worship.

In the moments when I am not beholding a breathtaking sunset or relishing in His wonders around me, my focus can slip from His great majesty and forget the tender care and thoughts He has for me. And I wonder how can I keep His majesty in sight? The words of Andrew Murray were a great comfort to me this morning:

"The Word declares,"Oh the depths of the riches...the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out" (Rom. 11:33) Our hearts should respond, "Indeed, how wonderful, Lord, are all Your thoughts! How deep are your purposes!" Our meditations upon what God is ought always to fill us with holy reverence and deep longing to know and honor Him. When you worship God, therefore, cry out, "How great is the glory of the Lord who is my God and Father!" Confess with shame how little you have tried to get to know Him, or how reluctant you have been to wait upon Him to make Himself known to you. Then start believing that the incomprehensible and wonderful God will begin to work in your heart and life, enabling you to know, to love, and to serve Him better."

So I cry out to God, "Lord God, You are great and Your majesty is breathtaking... I am sorry I have lost sight of Your splendor by focusing on my minor problems - forgetting that by Your greatness You are able to help and supply the very needs I worry about. Thank You, kind Father, that You care for and think of me, even while You hold the entire world in Your hands. Continue to complete the good work You began in me; work in my heart to know, love, and serve You better. I want to see Your majesty. I love You. In Jesus, Your Son's name, Amen.


  1. Truly, our God is great and He is awesome -- so wonderful beyond comprehension. This was a very encouraging post. Thank you.
    May my heart always adore Him and may my heart continually sing His praise!

  2. This post was REALLY GREAT!!! I have had verses like that. when I read Job I was really amazed when I read these scriptures. (I would write them down, but there's a lot so I will just give you the verses) Job, 38:18-38.
    wow! That's so cool to me! And then I realized for the first time, not that Job couldn't do that, but that God can! :) He does know where the east winds start and He can and does shout orders at the stars and make them come out on time. And they do His will. I was thinking about the people who think God just started the universe then left it to run it's course... but He does control "the storehouses of snow" and all of that! That just really amazed and reminded me how much God does on a daily basis. Not to mention He takes care of us. So, all this was to say that I agree with you, Kaysie. thanks for letting me share these verses that speak to my heart.

  3. Sara, thanks for your comment; you are always so encouraging. I agree, truly our God is great and awesome!

    Camille, I am so glad you liked this post, and thank you for sharing those awesome verses in Job! It is always amazing to read of the ultimate power of God - He controls all things. Thanks for sharing your heart. :)

  4. Great post Kaysie! Indeed, many times we simply forget how AWESOME our God is! I find that when I'm most 'struck' by the greatness and goodness of our Lord is when I'm outside, enjoying nature. (I love being outdoors!) Just feeling a breath of wind or watching a bird fly to its nest brings me back to thoughts of creation, and the Creator. It makes me want to sing!

    Praise be to God forever and ever!

  5. Yep, seeing some of God's splendor in the outdoors is really cool! I enjoy it, too.
