Friday, January 11, 2008

A Work in Progress...

images_16.jpegHello Everyone and welcome to the newly modified Alabaster Box! 

I decided to finally make the switch to Wordpress, and I am loving it. Please bare with me as I find my way around and replace the pictures, links, etc., from my old blog. I hope you like the new look, and are encouraged by the Lord's workings in me.

A few days ago, the Lord began teaching me more about "sanctification" and the whole idea about being "a work in progress". I don't know about you, but I have many days in which I am overwhelmed and discouraged by my lack of progress, maturity, and growth in the Lord. So many areas in my life need a "makeover" and spiritual improvements! And I was having one of those days when the Lord, in His graciousness, gave me these precious verses that I have been quoting to myself:

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass."  1 Thess. 5:23-24

What comfort! God knew just what I needed, and these verse brought such hope to my heart. Yes, I am a work in progress, and God WILL sanctify me - spirit, soul, and body! I know this because God is faithful... so very faithful. He will bring it to pass. 

I hope this has been a comfort for you too. We all are being sanctified entirely, being conformed into the image of His Son. (Rom. 8:29) A precious thought.

Another verse of hope:

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil.1:6)


  1. Hey Kaysie!
    I love the new look of your blog!
    It's really cute!
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Kaysie,
    Can I keep the link from my blog at blogspot and it will redirect to this wordpress blog? OR should I change the link to wordpress? Just leave a comment on our blog and my wish will be your command. =) ~Morgan

  3. Carley, thank you for your comment - I am so glad you think the new look is cute! Love you!

    Morgan, I left you a comment on your blog about the link -
    And for anyone else wondering the same question, both links addresses will work, but it saves your server one step if you change it to Wordpress... just whatever works for ya'll.

    Thanks! :)

  4. Looks great! I hope that you are doing well. I know what you mean with is a long involved process (and one that can bring pain!)

  5. Hello Kaysie,
    Everything looks beautiful already!!!!
    Thank you for those verses about sanctification. They are an encouragement! :-)

  6. Ella, thanks! I am still getting used to the new look - but I really like it. Glad to know that others think about sanctification... God is teaching me so much on this subject - you probably will see some more posts on this soon!

    Neesie, aw... thanks for the kind words. I was a little worried that my readers would have a hard time adjusting to the new "makeover", but I am glad to hear that you like it! :)
    So glad the verses touched your heart. They are so encouraging!

  7. Hello kaysie,
    the other one was good but this one is much better, thanks for the good work..........all glory to God!!


  8. In reply to the comment you left at my blog...I l-o-v-e the new look! Everything is more professional and this template has nice clean lines. I changed your link to wordpress. Keep up the good work! ~Morgan

    PS. Have your friends come to stay with you yet? I think they have 13?? kids?

  9. Sylvia, thank you for the compliment! I am so glad you like the new look.
    Praying for you and your church in Uganda - God be glorified. :) Love you, my sister in Christ!

    Morgan, I am so glad you like the new look too! I am so glad I made the switch; I think I am just more of a Wordpress person. :)
    Thanks for your encouragement!
    ps: no our dear friends haven't arrived yet - I think they will come toward the end of the month... and yes, they do have 13 kids and they are all amazing! :)
