Friday, February 1, 2008

First in My Heart

loving JesusIs the Lord first in your heart today?

Is He above all the duties in life, family and friends, jobs and projects, even your service and ministry to Him? 

These were the questions I have been asking myself as I have devoted this past week to rest, surrender and refocusing. And I wanted to extend this call to you: take some quiet time out of this day and examine your heart to see what you might have placed above Jesus, valuing whatever it might be as more important, or demanding, or pleasurable than knowing Christ more. Step back from the hustle of life and name some ways you have made an effort to know and grow closer to Christ your Master and Heavenly Groom.

Jesus must be first and foremost in your heart for now and always... life must be found in Him, not elsewhere. Listen to His call for your heart, "Come away with Me, My Love, My Bride..."

"I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Chirst Jesus my Lord ... and count them but rubbish that I may gain Chirst..." Phil. 3:8


  1. Thank you for that reminder. Sometimes, unbeknownst to us, idols can take a place in our hearts. How I desire for my Saviour to be my All in All - the Supreme Ruler in my life!

  2. Thanks for the reminder Kaysie -- that's what I need today!

  3. Thank you Sara and Phylicia for your sweet comments... it is a good reminder for all of us! :)

  4. A good reminder! Coincidentally, I took last Friday as a day of refocusing my goals and priorities. It's not so hard to go without the computer for a day, and sometimes I think we should go without things just to prove we can. That way we'll know we're not tied to them like idols. We should be tied to Jesus more than anything!


  5. Ditto! Great reminder. How often we put other, less important things before God, when He should be first and foremost in our lives!

  6. Mandy Grace, thanks for stopping by and commenting! It is great that you too have days of refocusing... it is so easy to wander form Jesus' loving presence and I wish my heart was more diligent to make sure this doesn't happen! By His grace He is giving me strength. :)
    Blessings to you!

    Kasie, it is so true that we do put other things before the Lord - this is a constant lesson for all of us to place Him first and foremost. Thanks for your comment!
