Friday, November 9, 2007

Alabaster Heart: Me!

Hi! My name is Kaysie(surprise!), I am 20 years old, and I live with my family in the mountains of TN. I am a stay-at-home daughter, striving to serve Christ and my family. My heart’s desire for the future is to marry a godly man and raise up our children for the glory of God.

1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?

I was around seven or eight years old when I confessed Jesus as Lord, but was about thirteen when I really began to cling to Christ and grow in my faith. In a nutshell, at thirteen I was involved in a serious horse and carriage accident and nearly died. In the hospital, however, I realized that God was the only One who could save me and I surrendered all of me to Him. Many, many people cried out to God for me, and God powerfully answered! God healed my body and restored me to complete health. I was forever changed as a result.

2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation?

I live with a purpose. I know my life counts for something far greater than to just live life, have fun, and die. I live for Someone. I have hope in life and hope in death. So I guess my entire life has been changed as a result of salvation!

3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus?

That’s a hard one! I would have to say that…He is the great Lover of my soul. I think that is what is so powerful about the gospel - the amazing love He had, first for His Father, and second for us. Even when He suffered extreme pain and death, His passion and love never ceased. He endured, His love endured, and now as a result of His sacrifice, we can endure for Him. He staggers my mind completely! On a more personal level, in this state in my life, He has been my only true Love and has protected and cherished me, even better than any man could. He is my constant companion and dearest Friend. He is the perfect Man! :)

4) What do you feel God’s purpose for your life is?

My purpose in life is to live for Jesus, loving Him above all else. I was created for God’sglory, (Is.43:7) which means I am “to give a correct opinion or estimate of” Him. I am to live in such a way as to give everyone in creation the correct opinion or estimate of God. What a purpose!

5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman?

To be just that - set apart; trying to live a life unstained by the world’s dirty hands. Living a life for God’s glory is no simple task! To live representing Christ in all I do is impossible in my own strength. Abiding in Christ is the only way I can do what I was created for. The hard part is choosing who I want to abide in today: me or Jesus?!

6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else?

My Mother. Her life has been my inspiration and the reflection of Christ every day of my life. She is the picture of living for God’s glory! Her devotion to God and her family is a breathtaking beauty that will never fade. She was the first one to ever tell me about my Lover, and live a life right before my eyes that confirm His existence.

7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God?

First and foremost, I try to read God’s Word everyday - especially in the morning. His words keep me renewed and focused. Second, I make an effort to think about Him; to keep my mind set on the things above (it is a constant struggle for me). I also like to do other things to cultivate His and my relationship, such as taking a walk outside just to talk to Him, or singing in the car to Him, etc. This has really helped me.

8 ) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say?

Stay very close to Jesus. He is really all you need. To stay close to Jesus you have to get to know Him. Try looking under the front cover of your Bible.

9) What do you do to entertain yourself?

Hang around my two sisters, Courtney and Carley. They are my greatest source of entertainment! (I love you girls!)

10) What are some of your favorite books?

Ultimately the Bible, then I like “Having a Mary Spirit”, “Desiring God”, “Practicing the Presence of God”, “Stepping Heavenward”; really anything by Andrew Murray, John Piper, Kay Arthur, and the list is always growing! I LOVE Christian classics.

11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day?

love having a cup of hot tea in the morning while I read my Bible. (It probably my favorite time of the day!)

12) What is your favorite bible verse?

Oh…I don’t know if I can answer this one! (five minutes later) This is so hard! Ok, I’ll settle on this one: 2 Cor. 4:1-18, 5:9-10,14-21 (but it will change tomorrow!)

13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs)

Chris Tomlin! Most all of his songs focus on Christ, and can be sung directly to Him. Plus, despite all the fame he has received, he has remained humble and glorified God for it all. Out of his songs my favorites include: “How Can I Keep From Singing”, “Holy is the Lord”, “Mighty is the Power of the Cross”, “Glory in the Highest”, and many more. Apart from Chris Tomlin, though, I LOVE old hymns! They are powerful and beautiful; and speak truth to us even centuries later.

14) Can you describe yourself in one word?

Um… …no.

15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ)

“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.” (Maya Angelou) And one more! “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found lacking; it has been found difficult and left untried.” (G.K. Chesterton)

16) What is your favorite thing about this blog?

It has given me an outlet for my heart!


  1. Wow! You seem like such a nice girl! I wish I could get to know you better!
    Your nutty sister,
    PS. On a serious note, I really love this idea of profiles and I really liked yours!
