Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanksgiving in the Life of a Believer

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:16-18

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been asking God to prepare my heart for this season. Yesterday, I opened God’s Word and began looking up all the places He uses the words “thanksgiving”, “give thanks”, “thankful”, etc., and He began to teach me that “thanksgiving” is not merely something we should do on this holiday. Based on Scripture, like the one above, believers are to have thanksgiving everyday!

Here are a few verses I found just in the book of Colossians:

In our hearts we are to be thankful. (Col. 3:15)
In our songs we are to be thankful. (Col. 3:16)
In our words and in our deeds we are to be thankful. (Col. 3:17)
In our prayers we are to be thankful. (Col. 4:2)

We are to be very thankful people!

As God’s Word began to slowly sink deeper in my mind, I was convicted of having an attitude of ungratefulness. I am ashamed to say that many, many times instead of giving thanks, I complain and grumble. I have looked at the negative, instead of dwelling of the faithfulness of God through it all. I have focused on the things that went wrong, rather than staying focused on all the amazing things God has done.

This saddens me, not only because I am disobeying God’s word and saddening His heart, but because when I complain and dwell on the negative I do not appear to the world as a child of God.

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life…” Phil. 2:14-16

We live in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, but we have a responsibility: we are to shine as lights in the world (Matt. 5:16) and we can do that by being thankful in everything and not complaining. When we chose to give thanks in everything, whether easy or hard, we prove to the world that we are God’s children - that there is something very different about us.

And truly, we who are God’s children have so much to be thankful for. We are the ones who know Jesus, we have abundant life and eternal life, we have a loving Father who watches over us and blesses our lives. We should never cease in giving thanks! We hold fast and hold forth the word of life, for others to see and take hold of for themselves.

Can you believe so much can be done by just being thankful?!

I encourage you to let God use this Thanksgiving season to refocus your heart and mind on the blessings, abundant life, and calling He has given you, and that He would supply the power for us to be thankful in everything and everyday - not just on Thanksgiving.

Let your light shine. Be thankful.


  1. Welcome Mary Kate and Ella!
    I am so glad that you enjoyed reading my blog…God is great!
    And to answer your question, Ella, yes I am a “stay-at-home-daughter” and am so thankful to be one! I was encouraged to hear that you are one too! God’s blessing on your journey.
    Looking forward to reading much more of your blog!

  2. Kaysie, lovely blog. Thank you for visiting mine. I hope you return!
    Wonderful post. It is often forgotten that we are to be thankful and counting our blessings all the time, not on one particular day!
    I did notice on your sidebar that you are a 20 year old living at home. Does that mean you do not attend college? I don’t plan on doing so myself, and it is wonderful to find girls who are the same way!
    Blessings to you!
    How Great is HIs Faithfulness

  3. Wow Kasie!
    I love your blog!
    It really makes me think about how I’m living and what I’m doing with the moments that I have.

  4. Sara, thank you for your kind comment and your honesty. I think we all stumble in the area of thankfulness, but, praise God, He is able to keep us from stumbling! (Jude 24-25)
    Thank you for your precious comments…they mean so much to me!
    Camille, I am so glad you liked this post! And thank you for your testimony in “Alabaster Heart”.
    Grace, thank you! I think you are a very beautiful woman too and I love you! Thank you for commenting!

  5. WOW Kaysiy!!!
    Wonderful job,
    You R a beautiful yong women, and I love you

  6. WONDERFUL! (need I say any more?)

  7. Thank you for another excellent post! It is very difficult not to have a grumbling spirit, and I’m always wanting to look at the negative rather than the positive.
    I enjoyed reading one of your earlier posts that talked about how you became saved. I’m very glad God kept you safe in that terrible accident you were in! God really was protecting you, and it’s obvious from this blog you’ve grown into a very fervent believer.
    Keep shining!!
