Friday, November 23, 2007

Listening to His Word

“Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.
But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.”
But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

As I begin to write this on my handy clipboard, my family and I are driving home after spending Thanksgiving with our extended family in Mississippi. After leaving the warm fellowship with very full tummies, we began our journey home, adjusting to the quietness of the car.
I pulled out my Bible and opened to Luke and read the verses above. These are some of my favorite verses because we find the examples of two women who were very close to Jesus in His ministry.
I slowly read the story and then stared out the window in thought.
“What was the “good part” that Christ was talking about when He praised Mary?” I wondered.
I looked back at the verses for a contrast in Mary and Martha.
These two words stuck out to me: listening and distracted.

I think these two words add greater clarity to this story, and greater and deeper application to our lives.
Mary was sitting at the feet of Christ, listening to His Word.
Martha was distracted from His Word with all her preparations.
One thing was necessary, and Mary had chose the right thing - to listen to His Word.

Thinking back over these past few days, have I become distracted from God’s Word with my many preparations - or did I make time to listen to Jesus by spending time in His Word?
And as another special holiday approaches, will I be pulled away by the long list of preparations and shopping - or will I be diligent to listen to God and remain focused by spending time in His Word?

These are hard questions to answer, but our Master gives us such encouragement to not become distracted: “Only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

How I long to be the one who listens to His Word, not becoming distracted, but staying focused and fixed on Christ!

“…Let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith…” Heb. 12:1-2

I encourage you to listen to His Word daily, diligently, and faithfully - and let us not become entangled or distracted. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, looking up into His beautiful face as we sit at His feet with a listening heart.

Only then will we posses the “good part” which will never be taken away from us.


  1. Hey Kaysie!
    Thanks for the new post!
    Many times I wonder if I should be like Mary or Martha…..But you helped me realize that I should be like Mary!
    I love you sis!

  2. this was, (yet again), such a great post. I know i’ve said it before, but it’s true.
    hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Kaysie. I love you so much!
    you sister in christ, Camille

  3. Hello Kaysie!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, A Quill and Inkwell. This is an awesome post! I really like your points about Mary being undistracted from Jesus, and Martha being consumed with preparations. I think this really ties in with my post on a “present mind” — keeping your mind fixed on Jesus. If you’d like, we could link to eachother’s blogs. I’d like to keep in touch — I love meeting likeminded young women!
    Keep up the great work!

  4. Thanks for this post!
    there are many things that keep us busy and we dont even listen to what God is saying to us.Mary made the right choice and i think that’s what we all should do. God speaks to us through His word and this makes our lives even better and with no stress.
    thanks……i want to be like mary
    I have been encouraged.

  5. It still amazes me at the times the Lord has used my children to stir conviction and check motives within my heart…well once again, my sweet daughter, God has used you to bring to my heart His word…which shows me that I have been “distracted” with the busyness of life and the holidays, instead of “listening” to His sweet calling to sit with Him for a while. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him and for your faithfulness to me as your mother.
    I love you.

  6. Hi again,
    Sure you can link to my blog. I was going to ask if I could link to yours,
    We’re looking at the Knoxville area, not too far from Chattanooga. We’ve been up there several times in the last year and a half, and passed through Chattanooga on the way to Knoxville. We just love the whole East TN area. It’s very beautiful, and so much more family-friendly than Florida, ironic as that may be
    Have a blessed day!

  7. Camille, thank you for your encouragment, and I love you too. You are such a blessing to my life.
    Carley, my sweet little sister, I love you. You are turning into a beautiful little Mary.
    Mom, your comment meant so much to me. Thank you for your faithfulness to pour your love into my life diligently. You are my daily example of a Mary.
    Sylvia, my dear friend from Uganda, I am so glad God’s used my words to encourage you. As you said, God’s Word is so powerful and demands our attention. Thanks for your comment.
    Phylicia, thank you for your encouraging comment. I am glad to have found your blog and to begin to stay in touch. You have a beautiful gift that you are using for God’s glory.
    Kristina, thank you for your encouraging comment! I am looking forward to reading more posts from you and for your friendship. Your life for God is beautiful - keep shining!

  8. Hi, Kaysie
    Thanks for the wonderful and encouraging comment on my blog. I am so glad my life shows Christ in such a way. That is my greatest desire.
    It’s really wonderful that you have focused your blog on helping young women to be more like Christ and grow in their love for Him. This is definitely something we need.
    May God bless you richly in His wisdom,
    PS: What part of Tennessee are you from? My family and I are planning on moving there within the next year or so. Thanks

  9. Hi Kaysie,
    Sylvia linked me to yo blog,from the little Ive read so far,am already encouraged.I think Iam going to work on(by God’s grace)being a Mary, just sitting at the feet of Jesus;listening,learning and just enjoying His Sweet presence! Thank you.

  10. Hi Kaysie,
    I linked you to my blog.:-)
    I had a question — how did you get the music on your blog? I haven’t been able to do that yet, but I want to. If it’s any easier to contact me, you can email me at

  11. Kristina, thank you for linking my blog…and I am gald you found East TN to your liking!
    Phylicia, also thank you for linking my blog. I am looking forward to getting to know you better through e-mail. Hope you are able to add music to your blog soon!
    Iryn, I am so blessed that you were encouraged! I think we are all striving to become like Mary. Thank you for visiting!
    Kelsey, thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I am enjoying reading your blog and look forward to more posts. Hope you will visit again!

  12. I love the story of Mary and Martha. It’s such a wonderful reminder to take some time to just sit at His feet.
