Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Thankful Prayer

Our Father who dwells in heaven,

Thank You for the awesome privilege to come to You as our Father, knowing and experiencing daily Your abundant love and fellowship, being held in Your strong arms of protection and gentleness.

Thank You for adopting us as Your very own beloved children, and letting us be called by Your name, and giving us and inheritance and a heritage that we can hardly comprehend.

Thank You for sending to us Your only Son to die for our sins, reconciling us to Yourself through His perfect life and painful death.

Thank You that You raised Him from the dead to demonstrate Your power in His life and in ours today, and for giving us eternal and abundant life with You.

Thank You for bringing us near to You through the blood of Jesus, which You allowed to satisfy Your just wrath against us.

Thank You for giving us the example of holiness and humility through Your Own Son Jesus, and teaching us to learn from Him.

Thank You for Your indwelling Spirit in our hearts, the Spirit of truth, who instructs our hearts in righteousness and discerns our motives.

Thank You that He helps us obey Your commandments and empowers us to reveal to the world who You are.

Thank You that the Helper teaches us all things and brings to our remembrance all the Words You have spoken to us.

O Father, our hearts are overflowing with sincere thankfulness that You are God and there is no other.

You are real and we believe in You.

Father, we ask for more of You in our lives. Continue to pour Yourself into our hearts and minds. Make us truly grateful for every gift that comes from You.

Help us to abide in You, O God, for without You we are nothing.

Thank You Father.

In Christ’s name, our Savior and spotless Lamb. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Kaysie!

  2. We have much to be thankful to the Lord for! He is so good, and the fact that He never gives up on us, that He has called us His own…it is all overwhelming!

  3. The Ambrosetti FamilyNovember 22, 2008 at 7:22 PM

    We truly have SO much to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing such an encouraging prayer.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    p.s. tell everyone I said hi!

  4. Those are all wonderful things that we all are thankful for. Thank you for sharing them so beautifully.

  5. Aww, thank you Kaysie! You are so sweet- I’m thankful for your friendship too.

  6. Katherine, thank you for your kind words. Praise the Lord that this prayer is a blessing for you. We have so much to be thankful for…

  7. I came across thid web site by searching the internet for a Thankful Prayer. I say this prayer now everyday. We have so much to be thankful for. Its a beautiful prayer, thank you and may God continue to bless and watch over you.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    Ella, you are so right! God’s goodness is absolutely overwhelming!
    I hope you have a good Thanksgiving.
    Sara, Happy Thanksgiving to you! I think you are sweet too.
    Rachel, thank you for commenting! I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Ali, I will tell everyone you said hi. I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!
    Camille, thank you for your precious comments, and if you like I can send you a copy of the prayer and Scripture references the I based this prayer on.
    Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!

  9. dear Kaysie,
    that was such a sweet prayer! I wish I could print it out and pray it in the morning. actaully, at the end of every paragraph I kept looking for scripture verses because I thought since it was so good that it had to be from the Bible!!! keep up the good work on the blog, Kaysie. you’re doing great, and we love it!
