Saturday, November 17, 2007

Alabaster Heart: Camille

I am very pleased to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. Her name is Camille and she currently lives with her family in TN. She is twelve years old and hopes to eventually raise a family, be a missionary, or/and an author - just whatever the Lord wants for her.

1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?

I was around 7 years old when I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I had “prayed the prayer” many times before, but it was when I was alone kneeling in my room when He truly came into my life.

2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation?

I don’t know! I mean, everything in my life has changed! Well… the biggest thing (and not so much the best thing) is that since I am a Christian, I need to live my life according to God’s Word. Even when that may be difficult, I still have to make hard decisions - really hard ones! I have to live my life for Christ no matter what.

3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus? 

This is hard! :) Probably the fact that He is always awake…He’s always present. He knows what you are going to say before you say it, and He knows what my desires are before I do. So I guess my favorite thing about Jesus (or God) is that He is always there for me.

4) What do you feel God’s purpose for your life is?

Hmm… I think God’s purpose in my life is for me to have a family and to help other people come to know the Lord.

5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman?

Like question number two, it’s the fact that I am set apart. No matter what other people may be doing, no matter how hard it is, I have say and do things that normally I wouldn’t want to do, like letting someone know about my faith even when it might seem “embarrassing”.

6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else?

That would have to be my Mom and you, Kaysie.

7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God? 

Pray. That usually opens a door to my heart for God to speak into. When I am upset, happy, or just wanting talk to God - praying to Him always lifts my spirit.

8) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say? 

That life is about Jesus. And that life isn’t just a party for us to have fun in… it’s serious. We have to live our lives for Him and do what He wants us to do. If you stay focused on Christ, everything will work out according to His plan.

9) What do you do to entertain yourself? 

Hang around my friends, and my brother Corey! They’re always doing something funny!

10) What are some of your favorite books? 

Hmm… this is sure a hard one! NOT! :) My favorite book is (drum roll) THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA! Go C.S. Lewis, yeah! (sorry!)

11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day?

Read and maybe listen to music.

12) What is your favorite bible verse?

Romans 10:9.

13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs) 

Andrew Peterson! I love what he sings about. It glorifies God and it always builds me up. My favorite song is “Far Country”, and I like “Shadowlands” by Rebecca St. James.

14) Can you describe yourself in one word?


15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ)

I don’t really have a favorite quote. There are so many lines from movies and books, and verses from songs that I love. So, I will just name a sentence in a book that just stood out to me. It was said by ‘Allfather’, (who portrays “God” in the story) he was talking about the main evil guy (who, guess what, portrays satan) who was about to try to take over the world.
Allfather said, “Be strong! For though he may triumph for a day, he does not know that all tomorrows are mine.”
I just thought it was a cool quote. It can definitely give us strength when we are afraid. All tomorrows are God’s. Cool.

16) What is your favorite thing about this blog?

It gives me a chance to hear all of Kaysie’s great thoughts, and we can leave comments to share something about what she said too.


  1. Hey Camille,
    You’re answers were awesome and very sincere! It really gave me an even better glance into what an amazing person you are! (not that I didn’t already know that!) Thank you for taking the time to do the profile. It was so great! I love you!
    In Christ,
    PS. What you said about us was really sweet. Thank you.

  2. Camille,
    I just wanted to thank you, first, for doing this interview for the blog, and second, for being such a sweet friend to me all these years.
    I feel very honored that God has blessed my life with the joy of your friendship, and the privilage to watch you grow into a beautiful and strong woman of God.
    Your answers are so precious, and they reveal your fervent and passionate love for our God.
    I love you Camille!
    (And thank you for your many comments…they are such a blessing!)

  3. After having a very long week at work with many difficulties and challenges, what a great blessing it was to gain renewed perspective of LIFE through the eyes of my beautiful and very insightful daughter. Thanks for encouraging me with your words, and for taking time to share your faith and the life God has given you with others. Truly, I am blesed above all men to have you, Camille, as my daughter. And thank you Kaysie for maintaining such a beautifully rich and inspiring blog. I’ll be sure and visit again! Jamie

  4. Hey Camille,
    You are so sweet, and you are such an amazing person! I am so thankful to know you!
    Thank you for being such a Godly girl, and for always being a true friend to me.
    I love you so much Camille!

  5. Wow! For a twelve year old you are very mature! Your answers were very touching and you seem like an amazing girl. Thanks for sharing your heart with us!

  6. hank you all SO much for leaving such sweet comments. i really enjoyed reading them. i’m glad to know that you all apreciate our friendship as much as i do.

  7. Kaysie, I have enjoyed these questions you have piled up!

  8. I did not know you all had a blog! I found it when you all commented on Morgan Coy’s blog…you’ll have to check out ours! (
    Hope to see you all soon!!!
    Many Blessings, Ali Ambrosetti

  9. Thank you so much, Ella!
    I recieved your e-mail with much joy and look forward to e-mailing you! Thank you for your friendship!

  10. Kaysie, I sent you an e-mail asking you a question. You can e-mail me back with a list of questions, and I would not mind in the least doing Alabaster Hearts. You have no idea how much your comments mean to me!

  11. I am just now reading this interview after the “Thanksgiving festivities” have faded away, and I see there are already many other comments, but I just had to take a moment to tell my precious daughter, Camille, that I love her very much; I love her beautiful heart toward God and others; and even though, I am her “teacher,” she has taught ME so very much. I look forward to walking along side you on your road to womanhood. Love, Mom

  12. Welcome Ali and Ashley!
    Ali, thank you for giving me your blog address, and thank you for visiting mine…I hope you enjoyed it. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Ashley, thank you for visiting and I hope you were blessed.
    I too think Camille’s life is beautiful, especially being a young woman. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  13. That was beautiful coming from a young woman.
