Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Distorted Perception


Our perception of beauty is distorted.

We have accepted the world's standard of beauty that is portrayed and valued by the media, and rejected what God has called real beauty. "...that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God's sight." (1Peter 3:4 NIV) It is disheartening that the media (world) has set the bar for what we view as "attractive", "pretty", and "beautiful", and we have cast aside what GOD is telling us real beauty is and where it is found.

80% of women say that the images of women on television and in movies, fashion magazines, and advertising makes them feel insecure with their bodies. We have accepted what the world prizes - the outer rather than the inner. Instead of clinging to our Creator and believing and trusting His Words, we turned our shoulder from His protective presence and reached out in friendship to the world and it's lies like an adulteress wife lusting for something more, leaving behind all we ever needed.

Unless we reject this world's standard of distorted beauty, we will continue to live with our insecurities and the constant turmoil of trying to be something and someone we aren't. If we surrender to our Maker and run to His accepting and transforming presence, we will find the beauty we desire and the lasting true love we crave.

God is the Maker of our bodies: height, hair color, eye color, nose, face, ears, feet, body build, skin color - everything! And He can create in us a beauty that will never fade, never grow old, and never go gray. It can last forever. He knows where true beauty comes from - not from skilled make-up artists and expensive editing software's - but from a heart that is fully and unconditionally devoted and surrendered to Him. He can remove the scales off our eyes to see true beauty the way He does: it is the spirit of a woman that is quiet and gentle, living a life of purity and reverence. (1 Peter 3:2)

May we fall at our Master's feet and ask for beauty that He views as precious and unfading.


  1. Hey Kaysie,
    I totally agree with you!
    Our world is so warped all we see is the outside of a person, not the inside. And we judge a person by their apperance, before we even know them.
    I struggle with that many times, but through God's Word, (and helpful lessons like the one you wrote!) I will learn to look at the inside, not the outside!
    I love you so much Kaysie, you are such a Godly sister and I thank God so much for you!

  2. hello kaysie
    This is a must watch shows how much the world is defining beauty...we shouldnt feel insecure about our appearance and try so much to change. God loves us the way we are and there is nothing we can add to our appearance that will change His love for us. His love is constant and unchanging.

    thanks kaysie for this video
    blessings sylvia

  3. wow! i am soo excited to see someone else who feels this way.
    i am beginning to learn what hollywood tricks the female population into believing what true beauty looks like... i work for a couple who has their own photography business and i am so surprised to see what retouching does to a picture. and to think that we as women feel we have live up to that image.
    i am so grateful that we can rest in who God made us to be and further beautify ourselves by working inside!
    i just found your blog through a good friend of mines, and am so excited to get to know your more kaysie through your other posts.
