Friday, February 27, 2009

the beauty of abiding

23280355It is an unusual feeling to realize I can do nothing.

Let that soak in. I am making you wait for the next phrase. Yes, the verse continues, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) But I don't really believe that most of the time, or at lease I don't live like it. If I was a branch (that is a funny phrase...), I would be climbing up the trellis of life, typically unaware that my sustenance and vitality comes from the Vine I am implanted in. If I am growing, it inevitably means that I am connected to the Vine.

Still further, if I am not growing -- there is only one possible conclusion. I have ceased to abide in the Vine. And there I am, fruitless and able to do nothing apart from the Source of my life.

When I think about the word "abide," I often picture something like a glove or umbrella. The word creates for me a vision of envelopment and enclosure. When you slide a glove onto your hand, the glove moves with your gestures; it is conformed to the image and mission of your hand. Also with an umbrella, if located directly under it's wings, you are protected from the dangerous and troubled weather. In both cases, the enveloped and protected are "abiding" in their individual ways.

I want my life to represent both. I want to attain an absolute closeness to the Father's hands, making His missions mine, and His movements my own. I also desire to dwell securely under His protection, to fully rest under His sovereignty and faithful grace. Just as every branch is deeply embedded into the main vine, I want my life to wrap around--to center on--Jesus. And for me, the first step towards authentic abiding is recognizing my total insignificance without Him. I can do absolutely nothing without Him. Honestly.

When I look into the face of an infant, I see in their eyes what I desire. They are recklessly dependent upon a source other than themselves, but yet (most of the time) they are peacefully content and trusting. They sleep in the arms of their parents. They smile naturally at their providers. They rest and abide in the faithful provision and care of their guardian.

How much more should I abide in the arms of my Lord? He is actually beyond comparision to earthly parents. His ways are perfect and everlasting. And He invites us to abide in His love (John 15:9). Finding solace and strength in the only True Vine allows me to live fruitfully and to thrive amidst life. The connection is sure. And my heart rejoices in the closeness of Christ. "As for me, the nearness of God is my good..." (Ps. 73:28)


  1. Kaysie,

    A beautiful message, as usual.

    For me, the word abide is very close to a bride, which is what we are to Christ. We are dependent upon Him in the way that a woman should serve and be subservient to her husband. If we do this, if we remain close to Him, then He will protect and reward us.

  2. Lori -- I love that word play! Beautiful portrait. :)

  3. Earl, you're welcome. :) Glory to Him.

  4. Hi Kaysie,
    sorry I haven't commented in so long...I haven't had too much time for blogging recently! But I wanted to let you know that I still appreciate your words of encouragement. Every time I click on your link on my sidebar, I know I'll be challenged.
    This post is especially challenging. I "know" these facts in my head, but I know that I don't always put them into practice. I don't always live like God is my source of life. Thanks God, for Your patience with me and for Your Holy Spirit!

  5. Brianna, thank you for stopping by! :) You are so sweet and encouraging. I know exactly what you mean by "knowing" all these things, but it is much harder to apply them to our lives. Thankfully the Spirit reminds and enables us to walk in God's ways.

  6. Kaysie,

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder of Jesus' words of amazing comfort through John 14-17ish. :)

    Just as an example to my fellow sisters (and brothers, if they read this too), our amazing Lord has clearly outlined the truth of this verse to me today. :) A while back, I had been struggling in a certain area and absolutely could not get myself to follow Him...I was angry, afraid, and despairing of my own inability to obey fully. But then, as I was crying, I told Him, that, "On my own I can't follow You with my whole heart. I know, and I hate that. I'm sorry. But I will avoid and hate what You despise based upon Your words, even if I can't feel that fully in my heart. I'll leave that up to You." In other words, I couldn't get my heart to conform to His words the way that I wanted them to. All I could do was say, "I will avoid evil and such b/c of Your plan."

    Guess what? He worked. I had a flashback to the
    "yesterday/year" and realize that I absolutely DO want His way and my HEART is pleased to dwell in Him and I no longer have any desire for that evil. It's amazing, but that just happened b/c I was/am abiding in Him. Isn't Yahweh AWESOME?!?!?

    So don't give up. :) Keep on surrendering to Him and ABIDE. :) He is faithful.


  7. Merry, thank you for sharing that awesome testimony! What an encouragement to continue on, even when we don't feel like it, and obey and abide in Him. Thank you for sharing! :)

  8. Hey Kaysie! I had one of those moments the other day! It's so, so humbling to be there! To actually surrender your all. To tell God, "I need You, oh I need You!" and mean with all of your little human heart! Can you imagine a better form of worship?

  9. Caroline, hello! It has been awhile! Thank you for sharing. Yes, I can imagine no truer form of worship that absolute surrender. :)
