Monday, February 16, 2009

A little application.

24983982We had such a beautiful sunrise this morning. Rays of warm sunshine spilled into every window of the house, as if gleefully urging sleepy people to wake up and explore the new day. I was glad to see it and enjoy it's warmth.

It seems that as much as I try to make time for blogging and other internet socialization, days go by without number and here I am *months* later... ok, slight exaggeration... still struggling to pull out a post or two. I miss having the time to sit and share out of the overflow of my heart and listen to your insights and experiences. Speaking of which, I have not yet responded to all of the vitally helpful comments on my previous post, but I wanted to thank you all for the encouragement. I loved hearing your opinions and struggles right now. It really helped me. Thank you.

God is teaching me so much, but mostly He is allowing me to apply what He's shown me. I feel like the things He has taught me in the last months have prepared me for this season I am walking in right now. He requires us to apply what we are learning--because that is the point of the Word ... to change us and transform our lives more into the image of Christ. There is a high responsibility that comes with knowledge; it requires application.

Applying the truth that we are learning in our inner man (or woman) is where we find the true value of God's Word and His character. I loved what Charles Spurgeon said:
The grand point is not to wear the garb, nor use the brogue of religion, but to posses the life of God within, and feel and think as Jesus would have done because of that inner life. Small is the value of external religion unless it is the outcome of a life within."

If what we are learning and applying will make us more like Jesus, then here lies the purpose and calling of our lives. We are to take up our cross and follow Him. No matter what.


  1. You are right, you know. I think the Lord wants us to apply what we are learning. He wants us to see if we practice wheat we preached. Trust me, He has been doing it with me!!

  2. Amen, Ella! :) I'll pray for you as He leads you to apply the truths He has shown you.

  3. Your words are so true. So wonderful to here that someone else is struggling with life as well.

  4. I am new to your blog, and I am thoroughly enjoying the insight of a woman my age, and what God is teaching her as well : ) Thank you for following God and posting your thoughts and feelings. It is comforting to share in the life of another young Christian woman!

  5. Just stumpled upon you website looking for alabaster jar...Thank You! I have had one of those days, where I was called into the boss's office, given the chance to succeed, and was enlightened on some inadequacies. Your blog has given me a new look of application to my life and I can't wait to continue to read...but...i have to go to class!

  6. Boy was I called to task by this post, Kaysie.

    Although the Lord is showing me new things every day, I am so focused on ME learning them, soaking them in, that putting the constant standards to practice has become an afterthought.

    In particular, the verse Collossians 3:23-24 is poking at me.

  7. Bethanne, thank you! Yes, I am a fellow "struggler". :) Saying a prayer for you...

    Rebekah, thank you for your comment! I hope you will visit again, because I enjoy hearing from young women as well!

    Michelle, why thank you! I really hope you decide to visit again. May God continue to guide you down the new paths He is opening for you. :)

    Jillian, great thoughts. I love the verse you shared... Putting what we learn into practice is, I think, one of the most difficult aspects of our faith. ;)
