Monday, February 2, 2009

Seeking and Finding

23360087So I have been mulling over my "special" verse, especially this past weekend, and have come up with a few more questions and insights. I was asking the Lord yesterday what it actually means "to seek" Him. Is it praying before bedtime? Reading His Word everyday? Doing Bible study two days a week? What is it? Today I finally grabbed my Bible dictionary and looked up the word "seek," and found surprising results. It simply means "to seek in order to find." (profound, I know)

This may sound basic, but when I apply it to seeking God I learn incredible things. I am looking for something; meaning I may not have found it yet. Reading a chapter in Psalms for my quiet time may not be all there is to "seeking God" today. Every day is different with new things to discover. There is no written formula etched in stone on "how I should seek God today." Seeking God involves looking, and searching, and reaching, and ultimately finding.

I try to insert God into my formula. I assume God is happy if I set aside ten minutes in the morning to "seek Him." But really, God is not a coffee maker to be turned on every morning for my regular cup. He is like the wind-- every day He is doing something new, going somewhere different, showing something fresh. That is why I must seek. It's like a treasure hunt, except much bigger with much greater rewards. And the best thing is, we do find what we are looking for. It may not be what we thought it was... but it is exactly what we need.


  1. Amen ,Amen,Amen .
    Its amazing what the Holy Spirit can reveal to us Casey .
    What you have seek and found even in this little passage is amazing not only because you were searching with diligence but because of this ("he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). Its amazing sometimes we can read the same text over and over but at different times it jumps out at you differently do you know why ?The word of God is the living Word it has life of its own it is the enabled by the Holy Spirit , which many have not realize is also living. So The Word gives you what you need at that very moment , If you need comfort it gives,if you need reassurance it gives .etc . etc.

    This is the promise that you have highlighted Casey.When we seek he promises to give liberally. At times i am tempted to think its only temporal things ,finances,material things. But he wants to give more than those things , those temporal things are nothing really he can give that without batting an eye. He wants to give the things that changes character, the things that draw us close to Him, He long to give patience,he long to give,humility, these are the things He wants to give too. Oh oh am i preaching ? Sorry .Its your Blog Casey , Thanks for reminding us how we should live seeking Christ ,Seeking Him daily. As the dear pants for water.I pray that we all seek God like this.
    Amen Casey .

  2. Amen! Thanks for the reminder too. It's so easy to want a formula to be close to God. To think that if we fit God into our lives somehow it will automatically be us seeking Him. It really is something that involves our entire hearts and lives. We need our entire being focused on seeking Him, knowing Him, doing whatever work He has for us, furthering His kingdom. God isn't a formula, but that makes Him more interesting and unpredictable. Just think if life with God was all about a formula... that would be boring! But we have a God with a mind of His own. :D God bless you as you seek His wondrous kingdom my sister!

  3. To me, "seek" implies a certain amount of necessity and urgency. You're looking in earnest for God. You're trying to find Him because you know you need Him.

  4. My thought on "seeking" is that the word is a verb. For me the verb being used in the present tense means you never finish.

    And it's true. If you set aside time for God, and say "that's your cubbie hole" and then change focuses completely after you fulfill your daily requirement, that's not being true to His word.

    But if you set aside time for God and say "this is the quality I'm seeking today" like a sort of progress report to discuss your short/long term goals, I think the quiet time makes good sense.

    It's definitely good to track down answers when there's a question bothering you - like you did for this post, Kaysie.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement. How exciting is our God! :) I posted a link to this article over on my blog.

  6. Earl, I love that verse in Hebrews 4 about God rewarding those who diligently seek Him. What a precious promise for the seeker. "As the deer pants for water..." another great reminder. Thank you for sharing all that you did. God's Word is such an encouragement.

    Olivia, amen! God is definitely not a formula! Like you said, life would definitely be boring if that were true. To seek God our hearts must be fully activated in pursuing Him above all else. Good to hear from you!

    Lori, it does, doesn't it? And seeking God daily is urgent... without Him why live?

    Jillian, great thoughts! Yes, I think seeking God is constant -- never ending. Even after "quiet time" is over, we must faithfully walk in what He has shown us, or else it is all in vain and we are not truly seeking Him.

    Rosanne, thank you! That is really an encouragement! :)

  7. It is so neat how the littlest of words can have the greatest of impacts. Such as Seek.
    This was a blessing to read because of multiple reasons!

  8. Hey Kaysie, I sent you an email and I just wanted to make sure you got it and it didn't go into a spam folder or something like that.

  9. Kalani, thank you! It is amazing the impact one small word can make. :)

    Lori, yes, I got your email. Sorry for my tardiness! Hopefully I can respond sometime today. Thank you for your patience. :)

  10. No problem Kaysie, I know you're extremely busy. I just get a little worried sometimes because I know spam filters catch actual emails from real people (sometimes my parents' emails get held up).

  11. Kaysie,
    Thank you so very much for that amazing reminder...I think that sometimes in our lives we think that in order to find God we have to follow a certain formula was nice to be reminded that our God doesn't follow formulas but has ways of surprising us with what He does :)
    We serve an awesome God!

  12. Lori, I know what you mean. Just this week one of my emails were caught in someone's spam folder. Oh dear. Hopefully I can find time during the next few days to respond to your email. Thank you again for your patience.

    Katy, well thank you for your encouragement. Yeah, there is no formula for God! He is incredibly surprising! :)
