Sunday, February 1, 2009

China Soul


Soul like china slowly cracking,
loosing strength with just one fall--
spinning off the table
or thrown against the wall.

On the surface I show beauty
embellished roses on my face--
skin deep reveals only fragile pieces
broken by this crazy pace.

Gentle hands please hold this soul
that is chipped around the edge.
Careful whispers pull me close--
Lord, let me feel Your hedge.

Use this broken pottery,
I surrender all the pieces.
Heal the cracks, mend the scars,
fill the void with tender mercies.


  1. Well, thank you both! :)

  2. Wow, that was amazing, Kaysie! The words are so powerful....

  3. I can totally relate. You should share this poem. There's something for sharing poetry that just started over at Abigail Kraft's Blog. Check it out if you're interested. Here's the link:

    God bless you, Kaysie!

  4. It's beautiful Kaysie! It's funny that you share a poem with us today because a good blog friend of mine, Abigail Kraft, has started a monthly poetry challenge on the first Monday of every month. I meant to share that with you earlier in case you would be interested, but sadly forgot. Check out her blog ( and look into it if you want. I just noticed that the person that last commented also mentions Abigail's blog! How funny!

    God bless you SO much Kaysie and may He fill you with His awesome power about beauty!

  5. I feel exactly like this right now. I really want to become invisible so that I don't have to deal with all of the inner-agony that other people and their words and actions and gestures and tones cause. It really feels like the next thing that goes wrong is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, but I can't fall to pieces because then all of the plates I'm juggling will crash around me.

  6. Well I will have to check out Abigail's challenge... I don't know if I could participate every week, but it sounds fun. :) Thank you girls for recommending the site to me!

    Lori, I could only write this because I know what spinning out of control feels like. My soul feels too fragile for the life I have put it in, and I feel like china with large cracks starting to form in my substance. But God's hands are gentle and strong. He holds me together. And all the plates I juggle, He keeps the ones worth spinning, spinning. :)

  7. "And all the plates I juggle, He keeps the ones worth spinning, spinning. "

    So true, yet isn't it funny how we hold on so hard to the plates that seem worth spinning and aren't? Oh, if only we could see what is meaningful and important through God's eyes and simply let go of the plates that aren't!

  8. Ali Joy, yes He does. It is quite amazing. :)

  9. I love your poem. I have a china soul that cracks and breaks with each cutting word of this world. Your words do help. I need to "seek" God, I have only been giving him moments of my time instead of loving him, running toward him, yearning for more time with him. Thank you for your words.

  10. Jacki, thank you. I guess we are in this journey of seeking Him first together. :) Thanks for your comment.
