Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Prelude to Spring


I miss green.

My eyes are weary of gray. Winter's chilly canvas stultifies the comfort and enjoyment I love about the outdoors. I miss the warmth. The color. The fragrance. When, O spring, shall you come again? A few weeks ago I began to miss spring scenery so much, that I went to the grocery store and purchased a cute little houseplant to put on my desk (yes, houseplants can be cute). Looking at it refreshes the pleasant memories I have of gardening and awakened life.

I keep reminding myself that winter is not permanent. Nor are the seasons I find myself in. The times will change and already I can see the crocus budding through the cold, hard earth. I cheer it on. The tips of the tress are changing shapes. Tiny buds are beginning to form. I long to smell the apple blossoms and gather wildflowers for the kitchen table. Please hurry, Spring.

Is anyone else experiencing winter woes? Do you long for spring to bloom?


  1. Amen and Amen...
    The busyness of life AND the weather can bring on the winter woes, but we know God brings seasons in our lives because He doesn't want us to grow complacent with the life He has given us. I totally feel your longing for spring...
    Cynthia Rene'

  2. We've actually been having unseasonably warm weather, which has been amazing! I'm really not a fan of the gloom. It's kind of funny because it feel like summer is almost here, but we still have 2 months left of school. And it's uncertain how long the nice weather will last. We may very well get a snow storm next week (right before spring break).

    But I am trying my best to enjoy the beautiful weather God is giving us while it lasts. Unfortunately, my professors don't seem to understand the need to soak up the beauty...

  3. Cindy -- thank you. God is the controller of the seasons. :)

    Lori, today is actually quite warm here too! Yay! But who knows if it will stay. Why don't professors realize our need for free time to be spent enjoying weather and life?! ;)

  4. Hi Kaysie!

    Oh my goodness do I agree! It is not gray here, but white -- eternal white!! It was 26 below zero a few days ago and if there is one word I long to hear, it's spring!

    Love you girl!!

  5. I cannot wait for spring either. Today it is cold, windy, and dreary.....March always seems to come in like a lion.

    It is so hard sometimes to remember that spring WILL come. I go through this every year......but it always does. Just like the winters of our lives have an end, so to does the seasons.

  6. I know what you mean Kaysie! Just be glad you can see the grass outside. :) Of course we are still buried under a good 2 feet of snow... it feels like it will never end!! I hope it's not like last year when we finally thought it was over in early April... then got more than two feet of snow! It was crazy! Last year we barely had a spring. Within two weeks we went from have half an inch of snowy ice on the ground to summer... again, crazy... :)

    Also, Abigail Kraft and I were wondering, would it would be ok with you to have you on our blogroll for Imperishable Beauty? I know that we've been been greatly impacted by your blog and we really love you too Kaysie!

    Well God bless you and have a good spring! You are likely to get it before us.

  7. Phylicia, wow -- we don't have any snow, but everything is a muted brown. You seem to have it worse than me! ;) Thanks for stopping by!

    Ella, so true. Spring ALWAYS comes. Why do I forget that so easily?

    Olivia, brrr! I am glad we don't have any snow! It was actually lovely outside today. God is good, even in the little things.
    Yes! Feel free to add me to your blogroll! I would be honored. You both are so special to me as well, and I look on in amazement at the ministry you two have. Keep it up girls! :)

  8. I just heard that it's supposed to be around 78 degrees on Saturday here in our area :)

  9. Kaysie, I'm thinking that most professors have either forgotten what it's like to be a student or they're sadistic. That has to be the explanation. I was having a moment of deeper thinking and am realizing that I'm ready for my life to bloom into spring. I'm ready for something new to be "born" in my life. I'm wanting to be in a "romantic" relationship. Earlier someone asked whether I'd rather love the one I was with or be with the one I love. I answered that I'd rather love the one I was with (which is no one but myself) because I have to love myself and Christ before I can be with the one I love. (Anyone get lost in that logic?)

    Anyway, it's been on my heart and mind quite frequently of late, so I'm wondering if maybe God's getting me ready...But I don't know. Yet. Please pray for me and all of the girls out there that we may find the one God made for us at the right time (and if it's sooner rather than later, that's totally cool). ;-)

  10. [...] yoga.  My prayers and introspection have been more…more.  I mentioned this in a comment on Kaysie’s blog yesterday, but I need to repeat it here.  Someone asked me whether I would rather love the one I [...]

  11. As a photographer, winter is always a bit tough for me... it's so hard to take decent photos of snow -- or dry brambles -- or melting slush. This winter, I turned to art and writing to offset the un-inspiration, and it worked great for me. Even if the outside conditions aren't great, we can always choose to be proactive and make the best of what we've got... it's a good time to try new things. :)

    Hope Spring hurries to your door this year! Last year, my city had snow nearly 'till May. We missed the all-time record by only a couple of centimetres.

  12. Megan -- nice! :)

    Lori, I have been having the SAME feelings. I'll pray for you as we go through this season together.

    Oskana, oh goodness. I hope Spring comes to visit you soon as well. :)

  13. I would love to have a frozen winter. Here it is basically summer all year long which is fantastic but I would like to see seasons turn for once. I have never seen the leaves change colour in Autumn or seen snow fall in Winter. :(
